I guess the line could have worked for Lanez because he's in prison (so no shot at a feat) but Megan is a more significant artist on the scene, she's a dope rapper, and it happened to her.


ils ne comprennent pas leurs propres besoins.

Je pense que tu as trouvé le nerf de la guerre.

Maintenant j'ajouterais que c'est pas aux femmes de trouver pour eux quels sont ces besoins.

Je supporte la création d'un état de Palestine, comme ça ils restent chez eux et viennent pas ici.

Big Brain time

/s au cas où

I don't think Eminem will ever be pro-Palestine considering Paul, his manager, is a proud jewish man.

This has nothing to do with colour or gender. Everyone is fair game to him.

why gay man ? lol

also yeah Eminem keeps us with everything going on, that's how he gets inspiration.

Did NOT expect to see any of his kids, let alone the 3 of them in the video. Wow

I don't understand the point of this thread if people are just gonna downvote because they don't like an opinion.

I have the portrait picture saved in my computer. One day, when I get the necessary skill, I'll paint that picture.

C'est un livre divertissant si c'est le premier de Dan Brown que tu lis. C'est bon pour le vide grenier si t'en as déjà lu plusieurs du même auteur.

ITT : incredible mind gymnastics to somehow put the blame on women for a men's restroom decoration.

I didn't know women chose the men's restrooms decoration. What's your proof ?

I didn't know. I stay away from tiktok as much as I can.

Their music is very moody and with a lot of texture. I think younger generations are a lot into "moods" and "aesthetic" stuff. It doesn't surprise me. What surprises me is that shoegaze or trip-hop isn't any bigger with them.

I love the lyrics on Blind Belief but yeah her constant belting makes it hard to listen to.

My heart is broken. The lyrics are kind of bad considering the theme they are inspired by.

Isn't the reason why because the labor and taxes laws are very favorable to employers and companies ?

:France: Petit Algérie

How did a quarter of the world population let themselves be colonized by that ?

One of his kid is queer I think. He said that by trying to hurt Tyler he ended hurting his entourage. I think that might be why he apologized.

I know this is a joke but why people always mention the father when trying to shame women ?

It was YOU ! Lol I thought about your post when I watched the episode.

You made me realize, it was latex paint, not acrylic *facepalm* Brain blunder

Anyways latex paint is also water based. And yeah I can confirm DO NOT flush it. While it's water based and soluble, the latex will just solidy as time passes.

After a quick internet research, acrylic is similar as latex as it is water based, soluble and will also solidify. It seems to be used for outdoor walls.

The first, second and fourth movies came out in november, that's why they feel like Christmas movies. The David Yates were mostly released in July.