rapid weight loss will age you in the face big time

Chelsea's commitment to never being photographed standing with her legs together is really something

laura on teen mom for anyone who doesnt remember her


I've always been weirded out by the similarities between him and John James and I'm dying cause lately John started wearing nose strips too

if she's gonna die on that hill then she needs to stop posting makeup free pics lmao

oh yea i started to really notice it during the engagement when she said that matt was planning the entire wedding and she had no clue about the details because he was handling all of it

I dipped when they didnt acknowledge Kail's arrest on the show. I was just like nah whats the point in watching this. MTV gave these girls too much control over what was filmed and it sabotaged the show.

for reference for anyone who doesnt remember him on the show


i'm still cringing over her walking behind the bride down the aisle. never seen anything like it.

oh i remember that. wasnt his LLC something really dumb like instagram husband?

This video is such a part of Aaryn snark lore

holy shit youre right. ive never seen hers like that before

"i keep redoing this over and over cause i cant say the right thing!"

"im trying to better myself and not say the first thing that comes to my mind" WHAT

i love that its been screen recorded and posted and will live in infamy now

what's funny is that I preferred Alex before the breakup and even the first year of her solo, but slowly started moving over to sofia's side and consuming her content. I find Alex so smug now.

wait im glad someone is finally asking about her grandpa. he looks SO young and so normal compared to the rest of her family. he sticks out like a sore thumb in her scenes.

theyve always reminded me of eachother so when they both moved to nashville and james tried to start peddling supplements i was like this is getting freaky. now they both are wearing these things. make it stoppp.

it's too bad because of all the disney/nick child stars turned pop stars, any work she had done was very subtle. until the buccal fat removal. she jumped the shark with it.

thats why it would kill me when she would say things to eric like "look how good my mama looks, that's how i know im gonna look good at her age" like sis...

didnt they sleep on a yacht in that vlog and have to do a walk of shame the next morning lol and then they wonder why people speculate lol

the grace report has some old videos about it that are really funny. when she was covering the story trying to confirm the details, she talked to one of the mistresses and got ryan's phone number from the girl. so grace called the number and she said ryan picked up lmao

oh another niche one, when chelsea stiffed her website designer/manager and called him butt hurt on twitter, he started leaking texts and emails as revenge. And that's how we found out Chelsea was trying to get into playboy and maxim but Randy intervened.