Wow, now that is the stuff which I am going to save right now and send to someone.

That is the only thing which they have been doing. I'm in like they already know what they have been doing.

So all these things are really materialistic and this doesn't mean like they don't. Love you.

This is hurting too much as a football fan, wanted him to live longer.

5% is too high i don't think we gonna get higher than 4% number

Such a cute one you got, Zinnie is a good name lol.

It may not be a popular advice, but I feel it's good advice so yeah.

Yeah you never know what's going to happen, just beware about it.

Once you able to generate hype in market then no price is big enough here

They never accept the defeat, they need to learn how to accept it.

He is the one who make the contracts and think that it is the best way to get the theme without any hardship

Lmao, don't think his dad is dead tho. He's still alive and well.

I guess he was just cute and you don't have to call him those terms because big cat is enough to name

i love your cats. actually, i also wanted to have those kinds of cats. just in case, it's not possible. because i have asthma.

Children should really be protected from abusive people. Because what children should receive is love, not violence.

Why are you talking about silver cost? What was that? I don't get it man!

Protection of environment is more necessary than some traditionProtection of environment is more necessary than some tradition

That is the only way to escape matrix keep on buying the silver.

That is how we are going to achieve the glory. And it is totally going to be awesome it will be great.

But may be there is not enough space in the house to fit the new one

Just because that happened a couple of times doesn't mean will happen again.

What the fuck! I don't get it..he's to young for in peace little boy.

Whenever you need some fun and stupidity can reach out to his twitter