This is a smart move by the court. Trump was gonna appeal on these grounds, this shortens that process down. None of that decision should affect this conviction, and now that avenue for appeal is gone.

If 20% of registered Dems, who didn't vote in the last election, had actually voted, Texas would have swung for Biden. And sadly, that's the difference. The right gets their voters to turn out, so even if they're in the minority, they can still win.

Except, they actually do follow through, if you pay attention. Biden promised infrastructure investment (so did Trump, incidentally), and then delivered the largest investment in infrastructure in generations. How massive and important was that legislation? The Republicans who voted against it, went on to try to take credit when the projects started rolling into their areas.

Not tryna be a dick, but I see Trump 2024 from the same people that I hear talking about duendes and owls being witches.

The dude has a speech impediment. Go look at speeches when he was a Senator, he's always made verbal gaffes.

And the issue I have is that Dems are falling for the rope-a-dope. Biden's tenure as president is outrageously successful, but they're getting pulled in to argue about stupid shit.

On the plus side, at least they've clearly set the precedent that settled law and established prevents can be ignored. Time to expand the court, and undo all the damage they've done.

Better yet, tell me why all these single moms in the RGV, dress up their sons to look like the dude that left them. Valley is full of mini-taquache energy

He didn't claim he was a Black woman. He mentioned having a black woman serving as the VP, he misspoke as he was rambling a bit.

This is how weak the fucking argument against Biden has become.

If he was running against anyone other than Trump this kinda shit might land. But as it stands, I'll see your mention him misspeaking having the first black female VP, and I'll raise you some insane rant about batteries and sharks.

The police can lie to you and you can lie to the police. The only place that lying is an actual, chargeable offense is if you are under oath.

Their job is to interpret the Constitution and apply it to any legal issue. So, while they can't alter it as you might with an amendment, the precedent they just set absolutely defined how it's used.

I absolutely love people that want to voice their political opinions without even a rudimentary understanding of how things work. Losing the House to the party of insanity has ground everything to a fucking halt. We can barely get them to go along with the appropriation bills to keep the fucking lights on.

Oh cool, is he gonna do the podcast from prison? /s

Fuck the GOP and these Christian Nationalist fascist /not sarcasm

I feel like OP knew what he was saying, but took offense about him being a decent boss; or at least sharing it.

In my life I've had 1 great boss who genuinely cared for her team. Only place I've ever worked where the employer covered 100% of health insurance, for all employees plus family's, regardless of your family situation. It was just me and my wife on my plan, but I had colleagues with several kids who could have been looking at an extra $500 to cover everyone with a typical employee health care plan. And she did it just because she wanted to remove that stress from her team.

Interesting aside from the 'no good deed....' department. She fully funded the startup, but brought in 2 of her former colleague and gave them full equal shares of the business, even though they didn't contribute to the financial stake. 5 years later they forced her out.

That's the one they do to make Apple users think Android is inferior. The one they do to Android users, is reducing the quality of videos sent to an Android, from an iPhone. So you think the Android is a problem, when it's really Apple.

That gives away the game. The need to artificially create some friction between features in both platforms, that work flawlessly, together.

Duh, I don't know why she's struggling, it's easy to define. Woke is anything she's told to disagree with

I'm more put off by what looked like the hands of 2 different dudes holding it. Unless the dude has some sort of biracial ambidextrous bullshit where his right hand is white and his left hand is black.

I would listen to hours Christian gospel to be in Rihanna for 5 min. Probably 1 min of action and another 4 of me trying to pretend I didn't already nut.

Not survive whom? The Supreme Court is the last line. Their decisions don't get overturned. They can be re-litigated with a new case, like Roe v Wade was via Dobbs, but without a different makeup to the court, why would it matter?

That's the one that's right on the nose. Most of Europe spent a good part of the previous several hundred years going into non-euro places and trying to colonize them. Pretty stupid to turn around and bitch that some of them followed them home.

Weird, cause I don't think any Dems changed their minds, and all the polling I've seen of undecided and independent voters, swung towards Biden after the debate. But ok, I guess

She won silver after getting kneecapped by an assailant, who was acting on behalf of her main US rival. She was hit on Jan 6th, the Olympics took place in Feb. She had been expected to take home gold. She never claimed to be too injured to compete, but it's hard to imagine this episode didn't affect her

No way you guys didn't know this story, although I did have to do a quick search to make sure the dates were right.

She was a world class athlete. Maybe the best in the world in her field, at the time. Being forced to be America's princess because she was an excellent skater IS corny as hell.