Everytime i use an AI for one of the mulchers, if i dont do 2-3 laps around the field first, he just gets stuck in reverse and does circles until i realize its taken 20 minutes to do 2 rows.

My big roller stops after every row and says the job is complete, hes even turned around and lined up for the next row but somehow he finished.

But focusing 1 target down is a waste of cleave dmg.

I waited to start vanilla classic about a week after launch on sulfuras so ques werent as bad, only made it to lvl28 because everytime i logged on there was a band of lvl40+ nerds riding through hillsbrad massacring every lowbie they saw. I tried at different hours of the day for about another week and finally gave up and went back to BFA.

Conclave has dropped the mail belt of the fireflash 3 weeks in a row. Im the only one wearing mail.

Al’akir dropped 3 tier tokens for us last night :)

PoV of a 10m H ele shaman:

Sinestra and cho’gall are super fun. Earthquake and chain lightning spam see alot of action.

I also like chimaeron, atramedes and maloriak.

Council is fun when it doesnt bug.

PoV as resto: Halfus is fun, ODS is a bit of a clusterfuck but engaging. Twin dragons is whatever. Conclave is easy once you get your timings down, pretty boring.

Al’Akir p1 is okay if you dont get lightning covering half the platform and it’s spread out. P2 is hella fun around 10 stacks of acid rain. P3 can suck a bag of dicks.

I got Thori’dal on August 6, 2011. Solod the place on my fury warrior, wouldnt have been raid geared, might have had the LFR deathwing sword by then i cant recall.

Bolivia just had a real insurrection, check it out.

And i am not defending what happened on Jan 6, that was a shitshow, but its been dramatized into something it wasnt.

That explains why MSM has been so biased toward the left over recent years? Especially MSNBC? CNN 2016-2022ish?

There was no “violent” attempt to overthrow the United States government, touch grass.

Yes the pandemic was fumbled, not by trump though, alot of what he did he was advised by the left’s champion, corrupt Tony Fauci.

And Biden hasnt been “effective” at doing anything more than helping launder money for the rich and special interests. The Ukraine War couldve been over in 2022.

Oculus was actually the fastest, easiest dungeon if you had 5 people that could read.

The last boss just melted if the 3 dps drakes could somehow understand that player A shoots while player B&C channel, when they hit 10 stacks player A channels, B&C shoot, instant 10 stacks, B&C channel A shoots, instant 10 stacks for B&C and A channels immediately after his 1 shot. Just repeat that and its so fast.

The reality was 1 person would only channel and just maintain 10 stacks forever, another person would never channel, and the only guy doing it right would get frustrated because the boss isnt dying.

Yeah i doubt it, i feel like the only way you could get kicked from deadmines would either be by afking from the start or just pressing W and pulling the whole dungeon making the group wipe.

Well if you NEED to do it to complete the content then go do it, its a completely optional thing people (you) force on yourself to make yourself miserable and complain about it.

SoD players have to be the loudest bunch of whiners in all of WoW.

Then dont get them, its that simple.

RL throwing a fit about everyone having world buffs? Leave and make a guild with other people who hate world buffs.

Its wild seeing so many people cry about something that is completely optional, retail mythic raiders dont cry this much about grinding days for small increases in power.

When i run heroics with my raid group i just que as heals but stay in my dps spec. BDKs are awesome.

I too make the annual trip to Feralas and enter the hallowed grounds of dire maul and complete the quest to obtain Alex’s cigar cutter to leave as an offering at the Great Fruit Bowl of stormwind’s library.

S2 of BFA was lowkey pretty awesome.

S3 was not good imo, would need account wide neck essences.

S4 could be good if the corruption vendor was in from the start and not on a rotation.

During tbc, there was a hunter on my server that made his way into the mana injector market, he would post and undercut below material cost, yes potion master allowed him to proc extra mana pots but his posted injectors would be 75-80% of material cost.

This started in P2 and he was a small % of the market, by the time sunwell rolled around he controlled the injector market, there would be 10 pages of only his name selling the injectors.

After stalking him from time to time i saw him standing next to, and targeting herb botters, my assumption was he was buying bulk herbs or they were his bots.

This continued well into wrath as he was able to control the crafted BoE market the entire expansion and force everyone else out. It was only in ToGC/ICC that another person even bothered posting BoEs. He was always able to undercut them though.

Imo the “shift” towards modern retail started in TBC, and every expansion had its own small changes.

Vanilla stands alone as its completely own game.

Tbc improvised upon talents, introduced progressive questing hubs, linear dungeons, and smaller raid sizes.

Wotlk did those same things, but more polished. All the specs were given an actual rotation, even less running back and forth for questing. Dungeons about the same as tbc. More flexibility in raiding with 10/25 and normal/heroic (ulduar HMs). And gearing became more streamlined (RIP tbc prot paladin).

Cata polished the questing design. Dungeons are straight lines and you dont really skip bosses. Gearing and stats even more streamlined. 10/25 drop the same gear with normal/heroic determining ilvl. Every talent spec almost feels like its own class.

I didnt play MoP or WoD, i quit in original Cata and came back right about 7.3 of Legion and played through the first season of SL then i became a classic andy.

I always thought the real “change/shift” in WoW came with cata, but after playing classic/tbc/wotlk and now cata i realized back in tbc that the blueprints that gave us modern day WoW were laid in TBC and slowly iterated upon with each expansion.

The impact of each iteration is just different expansion to expansion, one example could be prot paladin from TBC to Wrath, i mained prot pal through tbc and tanked for my guild, although it was definitely convoluted I found alot of joy and satisfaction in prepping for raid days, i had the epic bags from paris hilton and literally 3 of them were full of gear for TK/SSC/Gruul. By the time MH and BT came out it was closer to 3.5 bags worth of gear. The rest was bombs, faps, target dummies, food etc. I had 2 slots for water by the time it was all said and done.

But when wrath came out all of those choices and optimization werent a thing. Call me elitist but i rather enjoyed being able to separate myself from the paladin that would show up to a raid wearing str/stam armor. Getting complimented on how good your threat was, or how little dmg youd take compared to the warrior/bear because you could make yourself immune to crushings (Tidewalker says hi) provided a reward for your effort that disappeared in wrath.

Thats a long winded example but just my 2 cents.

Wrath did still have some gearing options among block tanks with block rating and whatnot, but that was mostly irrelevant in raids as you basically just wanted iLvL, and cata removed block rating/value on gear altogether but added more defensive CDs among tanks so its just been baked into the class and becomes more about in-combat rotation/skill vs preparation.

eastern kingdoms as a mage is solid. Had my hearth set to wildhammer keep, teleports to SW and IF. Then the portal to blasted lands makes it all go pretty quick. Never had to go more than a couple minutes without diggin.