Also, it only works on iPhones now. Android functionality will happen on a future update.

Please forgive my ignorance, but what does "went skiing with no slopes" mean?

How did you determine he was going R2R2R2R? If true, there's a story there.

I really think you hit the nail on the head here. Mike still (thankfully) influencing content and quality while being freed up from the responsibilities of actual production.

I've used Clark and Sons Moving several times. Very satisfied with their work.

Same! I always see people in parking lots smile when they hear the sound.

I have a 2022 and, as far as build quality goes, had only one issue which was quickly resolved. The software updates improve the car (does any ICE manufacturer do this?). I've spent ZERO on maintenance in 25 months. The acceleration is (chef's kiss), charging at home definitely saves money, the ride quality is very good.

Damn, just looking at that gives me (range) anxiety!

Somebody is buying and selling WBA. Today, 15.9 million shares were traded.

I read a similar article about this about a year ago and decided to enable PIN-to-drive. Probably not a lot of Tesla thefts, but what the heck. Can't hurt.

Mike says Kyle Larson a better driver than Max Verstappen????

I enjoyed this thread but I didn't see any comments about Mike's claim. I do not know much about NASCAR or F1, but what do you think? Is Mike full of it? Is there a way to compare the skill of the drivers? How many have moved from NASCAR to F1 or vice versa? I think F1 is perceived to have the better drivers, right? Where's Jessica on this one?

Bagged ice available at North Rim?

I'm wondering if the Deli in the Pines or the store at the North Rim campground sells ice?

"The only thing I will miss will be the auto lane change. Wish basic autopilot would have this." I very much agree with you on this. EAP was great, FSD was not.

Even if you had to supercharge, because your commute is not that far, you would only have to be there for at most 10 minutes.

You were unfriended because of a car. Yikes.

It really depends on how much time you have. A detour to Oatman might be too far, although it is a neat little town. You'll have to decide. A stop in Williams and Seligman especially will give you a nice experience of Rt. 66 and don't deviate far from the quickest route back to LAS. Smart move by you to avoid the west rim.

Having finished my free FSD trial, I would consider purchasing EAP. Sadly, that is no longer an option.

What a great experience for your son!