Shit gets real at 33. your choices now will dictate the quality of the rest of your life. Stay young at heart, just realize your not 20. It’s sink or swim.

No need to. You already did. Holy shit.


This would be a classic Seinfeld episode.

  • Jerry: “Wait, you had an eraser in your head for 15 yeeers?
  • George: “Well….yeah!”
  • Elaine: “Why did you have an eraser in your head?
  • George: “It kind of uhhh…got stuck there”
  • Jerry: “Stuck there?
  • George: “Yeah, stuck there”

Think we didn’t have a houseparty?

Epic! Epic! Epic! 50 people, we had crazy NHL’95 battles, two kegs, a cat jumped out of the ceiling, one or two were passed out on the front lawn, the fish tank was unplugged, there was puke in the fish tank, the basement smelled like smoke, tons of hot girls and the cops were called. A classic rager. Nothing to see here.

Stay Hungry. Because you didn’t choose Dokken - Back for the Attack which was the absolute shit back in the day… and still is.

Not sure, but I’ll take that off your hands. Looks delish.

Any time. It’s exactly what every 80’s kid did. And the really cool ones made mix tapes for their girlfriends/boyfriends. Everyone did it. And I noticed you have shortwave on that one too, niiice! It was fun listening to music around the world. If you ever listen to replays of Casey Casem’s American Top 40 it’s what many of us listened to on those too. And on AM radio….Art Bell. Both shows have a ton of classic replays. Enjoy!

Insomnia: Spotify has amazing sleep music. Check out 8-hour binaural beats. It’s a game changer.

Lack of social skills: Stop being a dweeb.

You look like a dude that just drowned a litter of kittens. And then told your one weird friend who laughed hysterically.

Just don’t tell them about the fart tape. It’s an instant classic…in some circles. and takes months and years to make.

Have you tried Spotify? It’s like it’s always available and stuff. I truly feel superior now, the girls said so.

High-five my dude. You’re experiencing exactly what we did in the 80’s and early 90’s before CD’s came out. Maybe don’t tell your friends, they won’t understand, it’s technically going backwards. But the content is insane and original from the period. Those were the good ‘ol days, glad you’re able to enjoy it as well.

lol! They need to learn how to party a bit, they’re about as square as the elderly.

Totally agree. The Millennials who experienced this as well were literally our younger brothers and sisters. Same family with older siblings.

If it’s too expensive. Move. I don’t understand why people would rather live with their parents rather than move and start their life independently. A shit dependent life ain’t all that great folks. Grow some wings.

Good job laying off the lip filler. Looks better.

That’s raw doggin’ it.

Are you going to paint the bird bath?

It’s going to be a shit show. They’re called Spauldings. Look familiar? The worst thing that can happen is when someone that has accomplished absolutely nothing comes into money with arrogance like they earned it.

GenX here, we had internet since age 5. We coded in Basic in 3rd grade, played Oregon trail on Tandy TRS-80’s and gamed on Apple 2e with Kung-fu Master and Bolo. Internet was dial-up at the on-set of AOL. The 80’s kicked ass…hairmetal, skateboards, bmx bike ramps, all the best 80’s music. It was the ultimate combination of old world vs. new world.

The Taliban may like your style, so there’s that. I’m 100% certain the girls don’t.

Nope. You can’t make me be mean to you today.