The same actor was even cast in a role as young Sanji! And they just filmed the third season.

I would say very probable its something similar.

To be fair in /r/relationship_advice you could say she farted and they would still advice to divorce/leave/call a lawyer

On the other hand the regime sacrifices rich people all the time over there, the next window to fall down from is never too far

Islam with a bloody face really made me hope for a ko

His corner screaming "he can get hold on you in the middle" was clearly heard and used by Islam's corner

For a second I was like "grab everything kid! take whole boxes of sweets! both hands full!" but then it dawned on me, this kid is a decent human being and is right again.

Also its not only the tidys, that woman could eat a banana sideways

This made me nervoulsy watch which subreddit I was on...

Especially in the train.

Would it be unpolite to make/answer a telephone call in the train?

My gf one asked me to pick her grey shirt, I asked which one since they were all grey, her answer was "Little white mouse grey not sewer rat.". It was fairly exact to be honest.

Can't imagine what Farnese would do to that pillow

Just searched. It's not available yet in Netflix Germany, may be all Europe

Depends on the show, House of Dragons was also $20 million per episode

Plant got a cut from the exchange.

Seems like Canelo's slap broke his sunglasses which caused the cut

It can be seen both ways, while he didn't directly call her unattractive its certainly tactless to word it that way.

That knee to the head did more damage than we thought

No cheese? No beer? Fuck it, I'll wear a bra.