So I just use Volo as a bank machine. You can pickpocket him in camp and he always returns. He has some gold and scrolls that sell well and inceease in value as you level. He will stay in camp if you do not let him poke shit in your eye and the gold is more beneficial than a see invisibility eyeball. Whem you get to act 3 he leaves but you can get him back quite quickly if you head to save him first.

His equipment refreshes after a long rest so it you need cash just long rest (no provisions) till you have what you need.

i buy fried chicken just to put it in the fridge to eat later, cold kfc is the best.

I drank so much less and it carried forward. That being said, if something bad enough happens that you need to drive, call an ambulance. This seems like a case of happy wife, happy life. I wouldnt do it.

No, Launch can be a disaster. I mostly play weekend mornings so it just isn't worth it.

I am going go Holy and Shadow priest

Maybe give Devastation Evoker a try, but if you can't make one cause you are not high enough I would recommend Ret Pally for melee and Shadow Priest for ranged. I think they are both fun, but honestly I leveled all classes to 70 and enjoyed most of them.

6 open hand monk with tavern brawler, 3 thief, 3 champion. All strength, just a beast.

I get all panicy when this happens, I bind all my floaty keys to R but if I fall or accidently dismount in the air, I can't seem to find it.

I took my Aug to Aotc and Ksm in s2 but I did it while hating the look of the dragon. Made another alt then never went back.

He never misses mew day

Yeah I figured it was. My kids wanted to watch unboxing stuff like Ryan's Toy review, but that is basically gambling for kids so my wife and I put a stop to that.