The drives should’ve been cleared by the organisation before they let you take the server away. They’ve probably broken a few data protection laws by letting them go out as-is.

Best thing to do is to take the disks back and have your IT staff wipe them for you.

I have an ‘80s Squier strat (FujiGen) and it’s a fantastic instrument.

I went to a stag do abroad two years ago, no mention of drugs but there was intended to be a lot of drinking involved, despite me not being a heavy drinker at all.

It could be worthwhile having a word with the best man and asking to be put in a room with those less inclined towards drugs if you don’t want to be around them. The best man for the one I went to was awesome and put me up with guys who were only staying a night, so I ended up with my own room which was great for when I just needed to recharge for a while.

For the numbers going, you’ll probably find that most people break off into smaller groups when they aren’t doing activities planned in advance. The stag do I went to had a lot of times where people naturally came together and hung out in those smaller groups where it was much easier to get to know people properly.

You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Some will give you stick for it, but I think you’ll find most people going won’t really be interested in drugs, it’s all peer pressure. Just stick to your guns, anyone worth your time will respect that.

This album was with me through a pretty “meh” time years ago, still enjoy it to this day!

Not what the question was, but why?

For a start, GNS3 doesn’t make you pay for simple live connecting of nodes.

New players - if someone gives you shit for being new, they aren’t worth your time.

Find the people who LOVE that you’ve picked up any musical instrument (especially guitar) because they’ll support you to the end of the earth.

My wife doesn’t sleep well when I’m not there too, she says she’s alerted at every small noise. Like others have said, definitely a security/comfort thing too.

Does your GF have anxiety? If so, I think that can be an issue with sleep because an anxious mind finds it very hard to settle as it is.

Our rent is paid by standing order on the last day of the month. We asked about it when it was delayed once, and our letting agency said their system doesn’t true up the rent account until about a quarter of the way through the month, to allow for banking delays.

You could contact the landlord and ask about specifics for them, but odds are you’re totally fine.


I base it on what they can do, and whether something is actually being done.

We have some guys who might not be the quickest or most knowledgeable in certain areas, but they work great with everyone, are helpful, and clients love them. Sure, they might need to be taken through some stuff I’d consider pretty easy, but we know we can have them work at a client site and get on with everyone, from the receptionist who needs a monitor fixed, through to a senior VP with an ISO audit. Maybe they need more help than others, but it’s offset by them maintaining an excellent client relationship.

Likewise I’ve worked with some “rockstar” techs way more skilled than me, but who were very difficult to interact with because of their superiority complex.

Technical competence is important, but I’ll take the person who is good to work with and learns as they go over the rockstar engineer with a stick up their backside.

It’s best to not think about things as a hierarchy of who is better than who. Instead, look at everyone as individuals with their own knowledge and skills. See the value they bring, even if it’s soft skills. If there’s literally no value whatsoever, you know where the weak links are and who needs to be supported more.

EPKs are essential imo, it’s like a CV for your band/project.

First off, what storage array are you using?

Second, are you only using one switch for iSCSI? If so, buy another. You never run a storage network on a single switch, you’d be asking for trouble. You need two switches and properly configured MPIO with iSCSI.

25Gbit is a HUGE amount of bandwidth on its own, let alone when using multiple uplinks (like you should be). I’d be surprised if you get anywhere near hitting that limit, unless you’re using an NVMe-based array. Even then, your VMs will require sufficient workloads to generate the kind of IOPS to make the switching struggle.

More like wolverine is your acoustic guitar that you don’t play, even though you’re playing an electric unplugged 😕

The documentation is the way to go. Nexus is different but not massively so, there’s loads of guides on this.

Sorry to be blunt but you’re a network specialist and you’re asking about configuring LACP, VLAN, etc?

I’d start with the Nexus documentation, it’s all there.

You don’t even need a reverse proxy or anything, IIS will do this with virtual web sites.

Just create a website for each site and update the bindings, making sure that the hostname is different for each site. They can share the default ports, as long as the hostname is different. You’ll also need different SSL certs if you aren’t using a wild card cert.

It can be helpful to outlay all your budget here, if only to get a second set of eyes and perhaps a reality check. You asked for help after all.

Looks like a hardware fault to me, a software upgrade won’t fix that.

I’ll say what I said to another person who had a new item delivered. It’s only cosmetic but could indicate the unit has taken a knock or has other damage.

Best getting it replaced for safety.

Ahh gotcha, hadn’t even considered a harp! The volume block is the way to go for sure, or look into an A/B pedal if you want a really simple mute that isn’t done by the helix.

Shouldn’t whoever is organising the tour be the ones dealing with all that?

It sounds like you’re being invited to a pay-to-play tour. Do you have any further details such as how you’ll get paid and on what basis?

It’s not clear what the issue is. You said you need to mute the instrument input to prevent feedback, what instrument is it? If it’s an electric guitar, does the volume knob not work?

For a solution in the Helix, you could put a volume block before the looper and set it to 0. If you assign the block to a foot switch, you can basically use it as a pre-looper mute button.

I’ll refer you to my first point though, what’s causing the feedback in the first place?