By miles and it's not even close. CW may have lacked charm without dedicated characters, but BO4 had nothing positive going for it.

I can't even get zippers that far.

And they think this behavior isn't what makes them unattractive lol

If I'm being honest. Kung Lao has always been one of my least favorites too lol

Most games I wouldn't even give him the time of day to play. Especially since, unless I forget he was in 4, DA was my first real introduction to him, which is easily his worst design. I've played 3, but I was so young and stuck with Sub so I don't even remember if he was there lol

Considering I wake up in the morning and 1 titties making breakfast and the other is halfway to mordor, I don't think I would like this lol

Lesbian Equine Enjoyer

I would actually agree other than BFA which id put way lower, but at the same time I was in an accident during BFA. So while stuck at home I resubbed and played BFA more than probably any other expansion. I hated all the gimmicks and it was nowhere near as good as panda or Legion, but I met a new guild I'm still with that makes all the difference.

I've played since vanilla, didn't stay subbed, came back TBC, been subbed since other than last patch of WoD, came back for Legion pre patch, and I unsubbed first season of BFA. Nostalgia does not hit me in like any regard. I played classic and even though I'm a loser who did get a max level in it, and in TBC classic, and Wrath classic. I'm still the whole time was like... this sucks lol. And you know what? I'm gonna play Cata classic too... once the game backlog gets smaller lol.

As much as I've disliked the systems and borrowed power. I much prefer the faster aspects of modern WoW. I don't feel bogged down with the FOMO or "play like a job" aspects. I got KSC the 2nd week of this patch and I'm ilvl like 497, and I have AotC too. I'm good. I'm just having fun lol

I think he is a top-tier creative writer. So many of his stories are absolute bangers. There's a very specific reason, no spoilers, but if you look at my profile, I'm sure you can figure it out, that makes this probably my favorite story of all time, lol.

Been a devote follower for years.

The Captain Crunch Crunchling training game is an absolute banger

My little brother is 27 and goes through chocolate milk at a concerning rate.

This explains so much of my life

I was in gymnastics for a long time pre boobs so my balance, even post breaking both my knees, is absurdly good. But in HS, I was a cheerleader, and I can assure you I was not doing flips. I was megaphone bitch lol

My favorite character is Bryan so the obvious answer is.


I think it's super cute.

I'm so dumb though with I just woke up brain and no glasses I spent way too long trying to figure out what that tattoo on your arm was... it's you hair lol.

Nothing is an instant 0 to 10 anger trigger for me than someone telling me something about me that is wrong.

For example, I've had someone explaining something about planes to me to stop mid sentence and go "well you've never been on a plane before."

I have been on a flight WITH THAT PERSON!

Or in high school, back in 2009 - 2010, we had this new "innovative" class called FACEBOOK SAFETY! Day one, I told the teacher, "I do not have a Facebook." To which her response was to look at me like I'm some asshole and say "Yes you do." Wh wh what!? I'm sorry! What else about me do you know that I don't! Cause this is news to me!

So I wouldn't say you're being sensitive, cause I would of lost my fucking mind lol.

My uncle the type of guy who fully believed this bitch was causing mass child suicides and when he's proven wrong it's a cover up. Dude really got heated over momo.

Did they hold it like a claw

I would say it's saying make pretty crushes, and one of the girls on here is toddler.

The Google AI is so bad. The worst of it is not only the wild inaccuracy, it's that people who have low literacy abilities are going to read the wrong information about something important and spread it.