That’s a a nice trump impression you must really admire him


Meanwhile Biden every time he’s around a young girl

Democrats are starting their tantrum of mean names and Reddit post cause they know this election may not go well for them

Y’all look like y’all bout to drop the shitiest post hardcore album of all time

Monkey in Space

Yea but who cares it goes hard and mentions America that’s enough for us

I was referring to fat Joe rapping about killing cops and e40 selling drugs

So hilarious how these rappers go from making songs about murdering cops and selling drugs to helping democrats pander for the election lol

Damn Imagine how great is must be to get paid tens of thousands of dollars to fuck around and do this for an hour on stage

Oh I figured this coming tour would be called that since they’re playing all of pain remains lol my bad

Hopefully you are lame ass bot poster

So do y’all just take turns posting the same pic every day or what?

Aris a dawg tells good jokes loves fat tits glad to have found him on here

The tour ain’t even started yet

Never listened to her music but she my favorite female artist by far 😛

James catamaran McCann in the tan sedan

U mean another variant of the same album when another female artist tries to release new music

Monkey in Space

I wish I was rich but still a republican

Monkey in Space

That’s not a culture war that’s just part of the freedoms of America being able to choose and be able to disagree and vote for who you want

I wish I was close enough to go to either I am gonna have to wait for FYA I hope they announce their lineup soon

His music is almost worse than his stand up

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

That shot of Alexa Grasso the best part or the PPV so far