MOD/EMT/BLS Instructor

You should be seen at an ER as soon as possible. Mottling in the extremities, high heart rate, fever, and nausea means a systemic infection and possible beginnings of sepsis. This is an ominous sign, and I would urge you to take it very seriously. This is not caused by your antibiotics. It's actually that your antibiotics aren't effective at treating the underlying infection. Go to the ER/ED.

You posted your affiliate billing link. Not so sure I'd trust that opinion if you're trying to get paid off suggestions you make.

MOD/EMT/BLS Instructor

At this point, this post is framed with the idea of self harm at it’s core. No one should be “practicing” sutures on their own body. If OP would like to learn this skill, they should consider a class led by a professional on the topic of suturing for emergency or wilderness medicine. I’m locking this thread as it violates Rule 7.

Infinite MeasuresPoem

I assure myself

the darkness will accept me.

I remind myself

forever is not that long.


Maybe if I sink

into the cosmic whispers,

perhaps then I'll be

part of late morning’s light.


As I near the fringe

and flirt with the edge of time,

into faith unsolved

the end asks if I did well.


What’s though the measure

through memories’ brevity;

Will it be enough

that I loved you without end?


I stand uncertain

in the bleak of night’s embrace.

Velvety expanse

where furnishing time elects.


Though my position

drives me to depth’s mighty gaze.

I can only hope

eternity not be cold.


Yet in this domain,

On the vastness infinite.

The fates may decree

order from the unsorted.


There I might see you,

in the golden glow of dusk.

Outlined in the sun;

Near me – as I see you now.



This piece feels like a haunting tapestry woven with the threads of devastation and resilience. The imagery is stark, painting a landscape where destruction and the remnants of what once was blend into a poignant reflection on loss and the enduring human spirit.

One thing that struck me, though, is how dense the poem is with these heavy images and concepts. It's rich, but also a lot to take in all at once. Maybe breaking it up a bit or introducing moments of quiet reflection could give the reader some breathing space amid the chaos.

I like this. This poem really touched me. It beautifully captures the deep connection pet owners feel, and the way you've described that bond is both poignant and incredibly relatable.

Have you thought about a title that digs a bit deeper into the poem’s heart? And maybe playing up those themes you’ve touched on, like the spiritual connection or the idea of being shaped by the same star dust-- it could add another layer of depth.

  1. It takes three geese to make a gaggle.

"Three people saying the same thing becomes a "whole group of people are saying it"

You'd have to open the file in illustrator to see the other sides. Here is a link to a PDF version if you don't have illustrator:

MOD/EMT/BLS Instructor

That’s not a burn. It’s mild skin irritation.

MOD/EMT/BLS Instructor

You’re 100% not putting them on right. I’ve stopped 220/130 BP with these before. Fine someone who is qualified and you can have them apply it if you want to verify.

MOD/EMT/BLS Instructor

This looks fine. Stitches are there to close the wound. They shouldn’t be tight, but with a joint, if you flex they’ll be loose, extend and they become tight. So doctors find a middle ground. Just keep them in until the recommended time and you’ll be fine.

Where would this be located?

  • What are you looking for?:
    • An MMO like Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) for it's in-depth crafting system, player-driven economy, and fully buildable sandbox environment.
  • What games have you previously played?:
    • SWG, EQ2, BDO, ESO, Palia, WoW, Diablo 1-4
  • What is your playstyle (Casual,Semi-Casual,Hardcore)?:
    • Semi-Casual
  • Any preferred mechanics?:
    • Sandbox environment, player built cities/environments
  • Anything specific you want to exclude?:
    • None

That would be awesome. Thank you! I saw that most of this was versioned for Mac, so I've just been adjusting the code as I went. A Windows version would be very appreciated. Thanks!

I'm getting this error when I try to run this on Windows:

Server started on http://localhost:3000

Triggering Python script...

Python Error: D:\Coding Projects\Miles Assistant\main.py:1: DeprecationWarning: 'cgi' is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.13

from cgi import print_directory

Python Output: Listening for 'Miles'...

Python Error: Traceback (most recent call last):

File "D:\Coding Projects\Miles Assistant\main.py", line 570, in <module>

Python Error: main()

File "D:\Coding Projects\Miles Assistant\main.py", line 546, in main

Python Error: query = listen()


File "D:\Coding Projects\Miles Assistant\main.py", line 267, in listen

Python Error: with sr.Microphone() as source:


File "D:\Coding Projects\Miles Assistant\.venv\Lib\site-packages\speech_recognition\__init__.py", line 80, in __init__

self.pyaudio_module = self.get_pyaudio()


Python Error: File "D:\Coding Projects\Miles Assistant\.venv\Lib\site-packages\speech_recognition\__init__.py", line 111, in get_pyaudio

from distutils.version import LooseVersion

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distutils'

Python Output: cmdmp3 v2.10

Command-line MP3 player

by Jim Lawless - https://jiml.us

Python script completed with code: 1

The system beeps, but then errors out. Any advice would be appreciated!

Additionally, their social medias haven't been updated in a year and this game is supposed to release in 5 weeks...


The parent company's interior photo is a stock image on their website
  • It's used for multiple companies

  • Greyhawk for example, an accounting firm.

  • Their actual image on https://vawraek.com

  • Another logo using this image.


If you're looking for reception entertainment, specifically something unique like aerialists, acrobats, or fire performers, check out https://velvetedge.ca

MOD/EMT/BLS Instructor

As described by two of our medics, I think there is a misnomer here that bears some clarification from your post. Cardiac arrest and death are essentially describing the same state. While one is a medical definition, the other is a legal classification. Cardiac arrest, without intervention or spontaneous return of rhythm leads to cardiac death and thus the legal classification of the person being dead--that is, the heart has stopped productive movement/beating without the chance of resuscitation. Essentially, cardiac arrest is potentially reversible, and death is final.

So to answer your question, you wouldn't; only an appropriate medical professional can determine the difference.