I created this community in hopes of providing a safe space for undecided voters in the 2020 democratic primary to ask questions, express the values that matter most to them, raise concerns, seek advice, and otherwise engage in civil discourse in the hopes of helping undecided voters find a candidate who best represents their values and, hopefully, inspires & excites them. As a social worker who openly supports Bernie Sanders, I truly believe the best thing every citizen can do is **vote** for whichever candidate is the best fit for them. I don't believe in pushing my beliefs on others, but rather allowing for a space in which the above goals can be accomplished. I know for many undecided voters, it may be hard to know who to support with all the disinformation floating around, concerns about beating Trump, concerns about electability, etc. and am hoping this subreddit can provide a *strictly* judgment-free, educational experience for those who wish to participate!