Wow…Canada Day so I didn’t check until now. Congrats to those who caught SMCI at the $773 mark. I definitely would have been in on that.

You guys are better off buying SMCI than Nike. Drops once or twice a week hard and then bounces back with fervor.

I am bowing down to you. I wish you can see.

I don’t care either but need it to raise my kids and save up for retirement so I don’t become their burden.

Hahaha. To help pay off that amount in debt no doubt.

Trying to convince myself not to drop Visa next week and pick up Nike.

One is down and safe. The other is down down and okay safe.

I am usually a risk taker and even I couldn’t stomach investing in this

I guess people wanted to cash in for the weekend.

That drop at the end of the day for SMCI…cold.

Who else is licking those lips wondering how far NKE will fall?

MasterCard is on the rise! Show me the money!

I’m so interested in buying but afraid of how much more it will drop.