🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

Excuse me did I miss the screaming about her saying "laughin' at the OTHER BOYS" during fifteen?????


🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

Yikes. How embarrassing πŸ˜³πŸ«£πŸ˜…

🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

Stop it right now πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

I cannot unsee the beet πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

I've never seen a more relatable GIF πŸ˜…

They could just be referring to the physical paw structure. Border Collie's are generally hare-footed.

*pic from google

*edit because the image won't load 😀

B goes from left to right in a stretched arch. It tastes like the smell of a lime when you break the skin.

🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

My wife proposed to me with this song. Confirmed gay.

🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

My wifi is out but these comments are keeping me afloat πŸ˜‚

My social anxiety is through the roof. I also have on/off agoraphobia depending on the time of the year. It sucks because I'm a huge extrovert and NEED social interaction to feel okay, but it's the finding SAFE social situations that really stumps me πŸ₯΄

I groom at home every 2 weeks. Shampoo, conditioner, blow out with a force dryer and conditioning spray. She has a heavy coat, so needs brushing at least twice a week as well.

I packed up my life, 2 dogs and a cat and moved from Australia to the States. It was the best decision I have ever made. I don't know if I can ever go back, but that doesn't affect me as much as I thought it would.

I don't really have words for it other than its a flavour that sits directly on top of the tongue πŸ˜‚ kind of like dry spices that haven't been cooked yet.

🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

I tried watching the eras tour movie the other day and it felt hollow. Not that it wasn't originally great - it felt clinical. Since TTPD, the livestreams have been so raw, something has definitely changed.

The word cotton feels like my teeth are melting and my nails are falling out. I can't say it, or hear others say it.

The word trill runs up my spine like someone running their fingers over my ribs.

I thought I was the only one. It's so validating to know that I'm not the only one who keeps going just to spite people who tried to cut me down.

Okay, that's a shitty client and I hope your trainer shut that down immediately.

Just know there is no licence for an Assistance Animal in Australia. QLD has GHAD, but it's not mandatory and really inaccessible for most people. The DDA doesn't require any form of identification. The information is located in s9.2 and owner training is covered under ss C.

I had an uber driver give me his dog's life story once. He'd only lost the dog a week prior and was still grieving. I wasn't annoyed or traumatised by it, because it seemed like I was the first person he was trusting with this information. His dog had an incredible life, he had lived with this man's family since they'd found him in a dumpster at 4 weeks old. I let my dog greet him before we left, he gave her such a big hug. I thought he was going to cry, but held it together.

I still think about it. Not the fact that his dog passed, but that he trusted me when he was still clearly grieving. I've had a few others mention that my dog reminded them of their dog that passed, but I've learned how to adjust the conversation away from that, especially if I feel like it'll be a tragic story.

I remind myself that people love their dogs, sometimes they just want someone to know that they existed at some point, it's not that they want to traumatise me. I think my past work in the animal industry hardened me to the concept of pet loss so these kinds of stories don't affect me to the extent they would most.

The best advice I can give is easier said than done, but when you master it, it'll stop most negative interactions. Turn the conversation, and let them know that you have somewhere to be or a limited time frame. If the conversation starts redirecting past friendly small talk, end it. You are not a stranger's therapist, nor is your dog a therapy dog. People aren't entitled to your time and ears.


*This is my bakery bandit. Funnily enough, her name is Waffles πŸ˜…

Any kind of pastry. She'll sit so nicely under my chair when I'm eating meat or sushi. But if I break out an almond croissant or a blueberry danish? all bets are off. She'll slap a hand for a crumb πŸ˜‚

🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

Bit of fun psychiatric history - Robert Galbraith Heath was a psychiatrist who founded the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Tulane University.

His experiments often used DBS (deep brain stimulation) in which electrodes were placed in the brain. He claimed that this particular method "converted" a homosexual man to heterosexuality.

Long shot- but the images in the Fortnight mv keep dragging me back to this. I just never thought to look at how the lyrics were written πŸ˜‚

That ain't a loaf... that's the whole bakery right there πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

🌱 Embryonic User πŸ›

The word sumptuous gives me the same sensory icky as cotton wool πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚