dx 2021 | RRMS | Tysabri

You just had a major life shake-up and things are still very chaotic for you. It's only natural to want someone else to commiserate, someone to know what you're going through. You came to the right place. It's OK to feel all the things while you process these new changes in your life. It's OK to be mad or sad or confused or depressed. Allow yourself to work through the emotions, but don't get stuck there. MS is not what it used to be years ago. Once you get stable and get on your DMT of choice, things will settle back down. The first few months after my diagnosis was a whirlwind and a nightmare and I spent a lot of time mourning my old life, but I came out on the other side and I'm doing fine. I've been stable ever since my diagnosis, and sure there are some days where my body reminds me I have this disease, but I have far more good days than bad. You'll get through this. And if you don't have anyone in your life that you can talk to about what you're going through, come back here. You're not alone.

Green Hills

Yes! I feel like most of the activity groups are aimed at folks in their 20s and 30s and people in their 40s already have an established friend group. Adult friend-making is hard.

Green Hills

This hurts my heart. I would have loved to get one last crunchy cabbage roll to say goodbye 😒

Green Hills

"Joke's on you, she's already dead!" But seriously, what the hell is wrong with people?

dx 2021 | RRMS | Tysabri

There were a few instances when it should have been caught sooner but wasn't. I was angry for a long time, but I've come to be ok with it. The timing of my late diagnosis meant I was on better insurance with a better boss and landed in a hospital system I never would have chosen on my own, but now I can't imagine having any other doctors or nurses. I'm good where I am, and if it took an extra 5 years to diagnose to get me to them, well I guess I'm ok with that. I'm sorry you were dismissed, and if I hear about one more person being blown off by a doctor because of their weight I might implode. Glad you've got the support structure you need 🧑

dx 2021 | RRMS | Tysabri

I'm glad your docs were on top of it and you got the care you needed! My regular doctor dismissed my leg numbness for years. If my optometrist hadn't caught my optic neuritis and sent me on that journey I'd be in much much worse shape now. Once I fell in with my neurologist/ophthalmologist/neuro ophthalmologist trio (never knew there were so many niche docs!) I've been seen and heard and treated amazingly. My ophthalmologist tells me every time I see her that she brags on me to other patients πŸ˜‚ anonymously of course, but she mentions her patient (me) that has the same symptoms as these patients do and how well I'm doing on my DMT. Apparently my DMT is a double threat to both MS and uveitis (which I've had since I was a teen) so she keeps a close eye on me.. no pun intended.

dx 2021 | RRMS | Tysabri

This sounds amazingly similar to my experience. Bounced from the eye doctor's to the ER on a Friday night in 2021 where all the rooms were full of car crash victims and drunks so I was in the middle of a busy hallway for 23 hours on a cot probably sourced from Guantanamo. Thankfully they let my sister come back with me or I would have lost my damn mind.

Green Hills

Maybe it's just me hides user name , but I took this comment in a very different way than you intended.


Green Hills

Can I ask what kind of dashcam you have? Finally decided I need one but looking to collect recommendations from folks using them (rather than try to scour reviews and weed out the fake ones).

Green Hills

Any recommendations on one you've used? I'm more and more convinced I need to get one but don't know the first thing about what to look for in one.

Do you remember the name of the dress? I want to look for them.

dx 2021 | RRMS | Tysabri

And thank you for the reminder to celebrate the little wins. They add up πŸ’œ

dx 2021 | RRMS | Tysabri

In case you need to hear it from someone else, I'm proud of you.

I'm so out of the loop πŸ˜† I had no idea they could be shiny.

Wtf man, I got a whopping ONE shiny this community day and this dude swimming in them. I want my $0 back πŸ˜†

"Arctic" is from the Greek word for bears. So essentially "Arctic" means bears and "Antarctica" means no bears, if you ever need an easy trick for remembering which pole is which.

dx 2021 | RRMS | Tysabri

Wow, and I thought my $24,000 a pop Tysabri charge was a lot!

Green Hills

Make sure it's a legit ticket from Metro before you pay it. There were some scam tickets going around for a while in Midtown, would hate for you to get double screwed.

dx 2021 | RRMS | Tysabri

Even when the nurses find my veins and get an easy stick, I still bruise :( Glad it went well for you! Fingers crossed for no new lesions.

dx 2021 | RRMS | Tysabri

I hope it went well today! A reminder that just because you have some symptoms doesn't mean it's a relapse or a new lesion, so keep your head up. You're on a great DMT and on the right path.