Commenting to avoid shop cats! I'm super allergic which is a bummer because they're super cute. I'm not anti-cat, I'm anti-ER visit

Because this was meant to be a rant, hence, the flair. It seems to have gone sideways a bit; which I own some of.

I have added the redacted EOB for proof to the post since I can't add an image to the comments.

Yes, that is how it works in my situation. I have been at this gig for awhile. I have spoken to UM and got approval for a SCA at the clinicians rate. SCAs vary by situation and insurance. I've done plenty as the provider and have done plenty for my clinicians when I was in PP.

No. It is $167.09 for 90837 as indicated on my wife's EOB from their in network therapist. She has the same insurance as me through my work.

I'm in a financial position that no matter the treatment I pursue, it must be covered by my insurance.

The appropriate flair was used; not seeking therapist on Reddit -- as you can see, I have not responded to any location requests.

As stated, a single case agreement could be done which is effectively approving an out of network provider as in network for my case only. Additionally, as stated, I cannot privately pay -- even if reimbursed. It is not feasible. I have no additional money hiding.

It's basically where a provider agrees to bill insurance directly for a single individual without going on panel for everyone.

If it was just me, I would. I would absolutely not eat to get care. But it isn't just me.

I've worked a lot with associate level clinicians both as someone who had them as a therapist and as a supervisor in a clinical setting. The reality is that, using broad strokes, I am intimately familiar with the lack of experience that comes with associate licensure -- both in terms of clinical know how but also boundaries, ethics, and the other more nuanced stuff. Maybe there's a few exceptions out there. I also generally do not tell my therapist about my experience in the field or that I am even a therapist at the get go.

My concern is this. In the spirit of trauma dumping (sigh) -- I'm a Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy kid. My mom passed from complications of intimate partner violence from my father, my father is dead, my parents kicked me out because I'm gay. I've been street homeless and have lived in unseen spaces of deep poverty. I lived in NYC during 9/11. I've been a victim of 2 violent crimes. And that's the TLDR version not including most things. I'm don't have the emotional space to do anything but process this stuff and be a better human.

I've come to reconcile that I may never be able to process the BS of life. Whatever comes of the lack of reconciliation is what it is. I will always be okay because okay has always been the only option. But yikes, most days I wish I were a mechanic or MacGyver instead of being in a seemingly marked helping profession I no longer feel connected to.

I mean, I cannot afford to pay out of pocket. It's really that simple :( I don't have money stashed anywhere for this nonsense, ya know. Either way, I still have no help. What a wild world.

No, that's the general in network rate. A "single case agreement" would be higher as my insurance would reimburse the full fee of the clinician.

I'm a LCSW and work for a hospital locally. I've been independently licensed for about 10 years and make $115k with a 4% raise annually. We are union represented.

Right now, I am the sole income provider for my family. I simply cannot afford it. There is no spare monies to be found. Therapy is no cost to me and I'm tired.

The only requirement even potentially listed is to be in-network and queer. I can bend a bit on the queer bit but I'm tired of getting terrible and teaching my therapist what it's like to navigate the world as someone with my identities. Even when I flexed, I couldn't find anyone. :(

Finding a therapist as a therapist... is a joke, right? Rant

I'm looking for a therapist... for myself. Yeap, I'm a therapist -- I evaluate suicidal and homicidal people for work and have been independently licensed for approx 10 years.

  • Yes, I am looking for an in network provider.
    • My insurance reimburses well ($167.09 for a 90837)
    • My copay is $0 and I have a $0 deductible plan.
  • No, I cannot afford private pay.
  • No, I cannot afford a super bill.
  • Yes, I can get a single case agreement.
  • Yes, I know the complexities of taking insurance. I ran an insurance based, W2 practice for years that processed hundreds of insurance claims weekly.

I have a ton of trauma, loss, and an endless supply of snark and sass. I struggle finding a therapist because of all this and I'm kinda jaded. I've experienced a good amount of adversity in my life and struggle with things like "how does that make you feel" instead of "holy smokes that sucks" -- ya know. I prefer a fully licensed clinician that is queer. I'm tired of teaching my clinicians what it is like navigating the world as a non-binary, masculine of center human with a vagina using gendered bathrooms and being screamed at to leave.

Life is hard and navigating this complex world without adequate supports is a pain in the arse. Experiences like this are one of the reasons I regret becoming a therapist - help shouldn't be this hard to find. I've outreached to over 40 therapists and it's a bucket of silence.


Saker was revoked by CPS due to poor social media management and releasing news before CPS approval. With that said, we have the Saker harness (Ascension) and I would not get it again and it's a complete waste of money on a sighthound. Additionally, they have a new harness out (Canyon) that I won't even bother with due to the experience of the first and nothing about crash testing is currently on their website that I see.

We've tried Kurgo's on and it's awkward on our dogs and they could easily wiggle their way outta it.

And a crate big enough won't fit in our vehicle for our greyhound.

So they ride in the backseat and we just do our best. We just got back from a long trip and have driven on even longer trips with them with this set up.

Big dog life is just different and in this economy trading in our vehicle would not be wise.

I have a handbook and other stuff I can share for free. It may not be everything but could be a foundation.

Is there anything bigger than the Thule XT XL?Awaiting Flair

I'm not attached to the Thule by any means but we are struggling with space to carry everything -- particularly after upgrading to the Wawona 8 -- and we've downsized in other areas. My Google skills seem to be lacking and I cannot locate anything besides the Thule XT XXL which is 22 cubic feet and typically $1k+ in my area.

Is there a hard shell roofbox bigger than the Thule XT XL that would fit on a 2016 Nissan Rogue? We have a hitch too and have considered that route as well.

We'd prefer not to drop $1k but dislike soft shell carriers based on previous experience.

Patients must be made aware their information/session is being shared with AI even if it is HIPAA compliant and beyond a snippet in paperwork... ideally, verbally each and every session. In no way does this make me comfortable as a client and I would absolutely discontinue seeing a therapist that did this.

I sincerely and truly hope our Boards and Code of Ethics come through with some guidance about this.

Additionally, my response is copied/pasted below from this thread: 

AI notes are outside my comfort zone. I am not comfortable with the idea of sessions being recorded and/or contributing information from HIPAA protected appointments into artificial intelligence and I worry/wonder about the long term implications for the sake of convenience.

When I was in PP, I did concurrent and collaborative notetaking in the last few minutes of appointments and with client feedback. Notes were always done on time. I followed the concept that my notes shouldn't be longer than a TV guide summary :)

And, to confirm, I am neurodiverse and have historically grossly struggled with many facets of documentation. I had to come to the realization and discomfort my success in the field depended on me getting a successful routine -- and the right meds :)

We just did this.

We knew we would be getting a significant rent increase based on the feedback of neighbors so we started looking about 4 months out. We would only look at the larger complexes.

We "intent to execute lease" but not a full lease on a unit we had not seen before but we saw the property and different unit before. We got the walk through about 2 weeks before our intent to move in and just moved in last week.

The complex we moved into is unique in that it's an older building with a lot of different layouts. We grabbed a unit that is the only one like it in the whole property and lacks a floor plan. All in all, no regrets. The market is brutal and if you want something sorta affordable, you need to be flexible.

Lost Horizon has some for kids. I have the adult version and am happy but not sure if that's what you're looking for.