had babies for engagement

How unique could they be if they're getting linked, try an antique store next time if they have those in Europe 

you can't sit with us

Gee, what do straight women and full gay guys have in common that would differentiate them from full lesbians? I feel like this guy answered his own question and the answer is "being forced to deal with men like you, sir, men and their bullshit have broken us psychologically." 

you can't sit with us

Yeah that phrasing made my vagina pack up and leave town, like the carnival ride this guy apparently thinks it is

you can't sit with us

If she comes up with an effective way to prohibit people from wearing jeans to fancy places I'd love to hear it because it's one of my personal extremely specific pet peeves

you can't sit with us

Is Alice giving up on her own terrible website lol

All I found was this daily mail (sorry) article that cites heavy rain in California and Arizona

What's even weirder is that Google returned NO US news source hits on the topic

had babies for engagement

A framed Hermes scarf as the focal point of the nursery is awesome, like if you write that into a book I would find it too absurd

had babies for engagement

So wait, you think a company who is hiring an influencer to advertise a product should have them...... Pay for the product? That they are paying the influencer to advertise? What? 

It's not even a little bit interesting that influencers don't pay for the products that they advertise. Before influencers existed, companies gave magazine editors free products because they wanted the magazines to advertise their products. It's a straightforward business calculation: Influencer/editor/whoever advertised the product, people buy the product, the company makes money. They aren't giving them products to be nice or charitable, they're doing it to make money.  If you want free shit become a person who can drum up business for a company by showing yourself using your product.

had babies for engagement

Why do you assume they're mortgaging the full value of the property vs putting down a substantial down payment (either because they have cash on hand or because they made a tidy profit from the sale of their last property). It's really fucking tiresome how pressed y'all are that rich people exist, damn. And I say this as someone who generally despises rich people.

Location: Eastern US

I stopped at a Wendy's drive thru last night and there was a sign that said there is no lettuce for sandwiches because their supplier's lettuce crop had failed due to bad weather. It felt like one of those small signs in the background at the beginning of a disaster movie that forecast the shape of things to come.

you can't sit with us

It's extremely funny to me, not from Florida. Using "sweetteawithmadi" as a reference point really out it over the top though.

If someone asked me to describe somewhere in Florida as having character and history - St Augustine comes to mind. Suburban Tampa, not at the top of my list!

had babies for engagement

I loved that house. It has 87 rooms but no dining room and maybe not even a kitchen table, because they are all of their meals from Buccees standing around or sitting at one of her eight kitchen islands.  I loved when she would wax poetic about her amazing views and it was views of scrubby flat East Jesus Nowhere, Texas semi desert. 

had babies for engagement

Idk this reminds me of Becka Monjezi's crazy house

had babies for engagement

You're spending an awful lot of time fighting for your life in the replies for someone who doesn't care bb

had babies for engagement

Those people are her most ardent and obsessed followers but they don't have the self awareness to realize it

had babies for engagement

It never fails to shock and amaze me that Daryl Ann Denner, of all people, has a clothing line. She is the least stylish person I've ever seen, like she never wears anything that is even remotely aspirational. I guess it's clothes for people who want to dress like slobs? I don't get it at all.

you can't sit with us

it does not have the character or history of South Tampa. 

No offense to Tampa I'm sure it's very nice this time of year, but this sent me into fits. Yes when I think of character and history I think of checks notes South Tampa.

For reference, sweetteawithmadi lives in South Tampa.

Oh well in that case

had babies for engagement

The only good Nazi is a dead one

had babies for engagement

Why do people think because someone shares some part of their life they have to share all of it.

Because they don't understand how consent works 

had babies for engagement

Yes, people are allowed to choose to disclose some things and choose not to disclose other things, because that is how consent works.

had babies for engagement

Maybe her face would be less puffy if she drank some water or ate a fucking vegetable 

had babies for engagement

Fascist pig say what

you can't sit with us

I can excuse racism but I draw the line at English people thinking they're inherently superior to me 

had babies for engagement

I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Texas