prove that he wasn’t going as fast as he could ur just spouting bs now

Forcing someone to block isn’t keeping up, she never went blow for blow

He literally hit Sukuna pre domain b4 Yuji even showed up, Rika is also literally apart of Yuta so discrediting him for that is stupid

Ur being disingenuous and you clearly can’t scale so for the sake of my time im disengaging lmao

Yuki wasn’t keeping up considering the only real hot she got was the first surprise attack

Yuta was able to keep up with and land a strike on heian era Sukuna Pre domain (better than Yuki and Kenny p.s: i hope ur starting to see a trend here)

Wdym it’s bias to say there slower u just can’t powerscale. If Yuta has a speed feat against Sukuna and Kenny’s best speed feat is against Choso, since Sukuna is faster than Choso; Yuta is faster than Kenny who is faster than Yuki, this is common sense gang

Yuki literally explained what she was gonna do so ofc he’d know to use anti gravity

Yuta cut Kenny’s head off before the technique activated also scaling Kenny off of Yuta who is supposedly “slow” doesn’t make sense

I’ll give you dodging piercing blood it’s not as impressive because he’s aim dodging them all

Yuta being Mach 1 is false and a calc that you pulled out ur ass especially when he is physically superior to JP Hakari who has no feats against the faster people that Yuta has feat on (Sukuna)

Kenny doesn’t have better speed feats + If Yuta in Gojo’s body has the same amount of time as Gojo did in his Small domain it makes sense that he has equal barrier mastery

So you didn’t give any actual feats, here are some Yuta feats

Tanked several GB in the same fight (more than Yuki and Kenny)

Dodged dismantles and clashed with dismantles on the other side of Sukuna (as shown below) (better than Yuki and Kenny)

Was able to keep up with Sukuna in H2H pre domain (better than Yuki and Kenny)

Tanked attacks from Sukuna (better than Yuki and Kenny)


1.) Kenny has 0 dura feats

2.) Yuta is also faster than Kenny

also Yuta is notably faster than Yuki

faster than she can charge a full mass punch

Yuta drops JL on the entire battlefield and negs everyone

Team 2, one good boogie woogie read cooks team one, Yuta is vastly superior to Yuki and Todo, JL diff frfr

AM has motive to hate humans which take hater points away

DIO and RF hate just because they can

It’s niche and pointless

No one else but Gojo in this specific situation would benefit from this

Yuta destroys Maho and Agito (JL/CS)

Hakari would still come and stall

Gojo doesn’t need to let off UHP as badly since Maho/Agito isn’t on Gojo now, and Gojo continues to beat up Sukuna until his domain comes back and Gojo wins


If you believe Kakashi would genjutsu him immediately Kakashi takes that

Even then Kakashi can keep up in speed and he vastly outscales Yami AP wise

If Yami lands a lethal slash, then Kakashi loses but I got Kakashi here

I didn’t like One Piece until Enies Lobby ngl

1.) Naruto has plenty of character building, and the best characters in Naruto ECLIPSE the best characters in One Piece

2.) fair, Naruto is more of a character driven narrative while One Piece is more of an adventure

3.) Subjective (agree to disagree)

4.) That’s fair, Naruto has the best dynamics, parallels, and symbolism I’ve seen in modern media so that rlly just comes down to what you value in ur media

  1. Naruto doesn’t have nearly as many “plot flaws” as most people believe idk which ones u are talking about but One Piece also has them, G5 takes ALL tension away from a fight, One Piece has the most boring start to a series I’ve ever seen, etc

Naruto and Sasuke can win this individually

Ness :10_ness:

It’d be very odd to be friends with a 13 y/o at my age other than that I’d like to think so (ness)


What region are you in?

Yea Reno is v straightforward w/o the upside of other straightforward characters like Kaya or Orion

Mix up dodges

Quit throwing out so many attacks

I’m retired but I was like 1919