I think it’s ok. My balls sometimes look like that when they’re fermenting too.

That was a good landing. Now if you could use the plane the next day, it would be an outstanding landing.

So pulling a string is permitted? Sorry - I’m just trying to understand where the lines are drawn here

So how do you write on it post egg laying?

You’re Canada… what’s gonna happen? Someone gonna surprise war you and steal your trader?

If you get too far ahead of the ai in tech, it will just give up. I don’t know why, don’t ask me. You need to let ai hit gdr tech before you hit flight. Of course, defending will be a lot harder. But yeah, after a certain point if you get too strong the ai won’t try to fight you anymore. It basically always lets you coast to victory.

Nah cock design aside if the shirt is really 100% cotton then there’s at least five bucks of cotton in there I reckon

They destroyed my apple tree :(

Railroad. First railroad was in 1607 so I got them beat by a few years.

Would need to recruit engineers and scientists for the upgrades tho. Lumber mill for railway ties, quarry for base/substrate, blast furnace for steel rails and spikes. Then all you need is a rudimentary steam locomotive and you are a railroad tycoon.

I always take vampire secret society. I wait for someone to incur some grievances so I can war dec them for free. Then I pillage the absolute bejesus out of them. Vampire heals fully from every pillage. Move. Pillage. Fortify. Multiple units suicide into vamp. Move pillage fortify, eat some units. 100 turns later you have a 300 base combat vamp and you’ve pillaged yourself to all win conditions.

Having a single unit that can insta-drop information era cities is just too OP. Plus every promotion exponentially increases their power and usefulness.

Second tier - instant fort with super bonus yields.

Third tier - 1 move pillage and intimidate adjacent units

Fourth tier - fucking mobile airport WTF.

Vampires are so ridiculously OP and so integral to my play style that if I don’t get that society, I will restart. At this point I’m basically playing Sid Meiers castlevania simulator. I always name them Dracula, Alucard, Isaac, and Hector.

INFo: did you try bleaching it? I had a plastic bottle that had sentimental value. I cleaned it the way they taught us in the navy. Soak it in hot bleach for an hour, then power scrub.

Diplo quarter next to 1) city center with important governor 2) commercial hub 3) spaceport 4) all three if possible

Government plaza next to 1) whiskey triangle of production 2) theater square/casa de contracts 3) border city that needs loyalty. 4) all three if possible

The list is in no particular order, just build whatever is most expedient for your game.

If only it had a bonus where adjacency increases every time you reroll the map

r/touge is r/tougecirclejerk

That’s the secret. They’re one and the same.

Damn I could really go for some buffalo wings. Haven’t had a good wing in like five years


Wall Street - doubles the gold yield of every stock exchange in your empire, but incurs -1 amenity to every stock exchange. Power plant yield bonus in that city doubled but co2 output increased 1.5x.

Central Park - double housing for adjacent neighborhoods, double yield for adjacent commercial hub, major adjacency to all other districts. Doubles the adjacency bonus output of adjacent government plaza. Must be adjacent to government plaza and neighborhood.

Both can only be placed on coastal lowland adjacent to a city center and a harbor.