
He's the guy we need. But I think Trump has to have a wider appeal to moderates. Vivek is very much not that.

I love the hell outta the guy though. He absolutely needs a seat in the cabinet somewhere.

I don't know much about Burgum. In fact, I've not heard his name until this month. What little I've read on him makes him sound like a RINO. If that's the case, there's not a chance in hell Trump gets anything done. I get that he wants to appeal to moderates, but if that means destroying your term before it starts, it's not worth it. We did this once with Pence. Guy had one chance to do something meaningful in his office and used it to stab Trump in the back. Lord knows that might not have been the first time.

I hope I'm wrong about Burgum if he's the pick.

"There's nothing I can do about the border"

"The economy is fine"

"The economy is Trump's fault"

"The vaccine will stop the pandemic"

There are way more than five.

Babbage's was my jam. I'd still hang out there if it were around.

Imagine being the guy behind killing Atari. Not the programmer. The guy who pulled the "ship it anyway" trigger. The programmer knew it was shit.

It's kinda their M.O. It's easy when you treat other humans like objects to be used. As soon as they stop doing what you want, throw them away.

EXTRA Redpilled :EXTRA-Redpilled-emoji:

They're the "Nobel prize" variety. Meaning they got the title thanks to some immutable characteristic, or knowing the right people instead of merit.

EXTRA Redpilled :EXTRA-Redpilled-emoji:

I one hundred percent agree. We need to have the morals we say we do. And like you've done here, call it out when we don't. Nothing is more powerful than the truth.

If they ban people for using Steam products, Steam shouldn't carry them at all. It's got to cost them a bunch of money to deal with the fallout.

It does not surprise conservatives that lefties know nothing of the Constitution. Amendment 25 addresses exactly this.

If we're all being honest, everyone's an idiot part of the time.

I understand from a creative and personal perspective why he stays out of the limelight and has chosen to retire. But... I wish there was more.

Luckily he left us plenty to enjoy.

"Tied to a wheel, my fingers gotta feel... I spin on a whim, I slide to the right...

Green to red...

Better than the rest

I walk from my machine...

Breathe in, breathe out..."

The entire song has a very white-knuckle anxiety tone, lyrically. Someone who loves racing and vehicles in general might typically refer to themselves as a "gear head".

I can't believe it took me as long as it took me to realize this song was about racing.

EXTRA Redpilled :EXTRA-Redpilled-emoji:

A leader doesn't publicly ask someone else how to win a war. This is a man who is enriched himself using the blood of the innocent. This is an evil man.

Я американский у изучаю Русский язык.

Also, it's not like there weren't plenty of people willing to do what Judas did. Lots of people wanted Jesus gone.