That's one way to advertise that you are poorly educated and very angry.

I'm a fan of Aussiebum's swimwear line. I mostly where 5" shorts style.

Because the Maldives have a poor reputation when it comes to human rights. Them calling other countries out is pretty rich.

As evidenced by what? All of the protests that erupted after this conviction? Oh, that's right - there weren't any.

These chucklefucks waaay overestimate their numbers and their power. VOTE BLUE in November and let's break the back of MAGA.

Hmm and what about the US?

The problem here is the number of people who have been brainwashed by right-wing propaganda, which has convinced them that gay people are part of a larger problem. People who are angry and upset are easy to manipulate, so all you have to do is give them someone to direct it at.

These people are parading swastikas around because they aren't afraid anymore. I don't know where you've been but we are beyond civil discourse.

I can see that being a pretty big deal back in the day. Interesting how our shopping habits have evolved


No but they are fueling our internal divisions to suppress the Biden vote. We have people talking like nothing matters but Gaza - and so what if we lose our democracy to make our point.

A bunch of people are going to have a bad day.

I blame 2 things for this:

1) Telehealth companies increasing the demand for amphetamines during the pandemic without a thorough & proper process for diagnosing ADHD

2) TikTok and the rise of "influencer" culture. We have an entire generation of people taking medical and/or life advice from people whom are not qualified to be giving it.

Every American who values freedom needs to know what is in there too, not just our politicians.

When people say that the Republican Party has no official platform, that isn't true. Project 2025 is the platform / playbook for the next GOP president.

I hope everyone is paying attention and understands what is at stake here. If you don't think you'll be impacted, you are wrong.

I have such a hard time taking Business Insider seriously. Not a well thought out headline.

Ukraine is instigating nuclear war.

That's 100% Kremlin propaganda. Russia is the aggressor here, not Ukraine. They are fighting for their survival.

This is exactly what I think of when someone says woof, lol. I always thought it meant you were calling the person a dog

Kinda hard to be supportive of a repeat cheater, so I can't say I blame the guy for no longer being emotionally invested. It sounds like the BF doesn't like change and is just too afraid to leave.

That's just not a topic I would touch with a 10-foot pole in a professional environment. Emotions are high on both sides and employers really do not want to facilitate those discussions.

They are Americans too, and I'm sure many of them feel a responsibility to use their power to fight this guy.

They are venting, but also smart enough to do the right thing in November. They know Trump would be even worse for the future of the Palestinians.