I can learn more in 10 minutes of a phone call with a person than a week of chatting. Tone, inflection, the sound of your voice, discomfort, joy, sarcasm, and the answers and rapport are immediate.

It's just fucking mind boggling that people prefer text in the context of getting to know someone, but here we are all pre-internet children now adopting the phone-phobia of the Zoomers.

Thank god I'm out of the dating market, and my fiance said "Hey, I hate texting, can I call you?" on our first night of chatting after connecting on OLD. Took her ass right off the dating market, such a rare gem. Lol.

Anyway....dunno what happened to society that ASCII blind communication is preferable to human voice, but count me as a person who can take a call without a meltdown.

You got let down, don't wait around...excuse making is a soft let down. All the stuff in her life and issues were there the day before she met you, including the distance, but having met you now they override her life? Nah, she ain't feeling it, so move on and don't believe for a second she'll circle back (nor entertain it).

Always a degrading recipes of behaviors that show they are disconnected from me romantically, usually things about character, consistency, thoughtlessness.

Well this is what you're dating so are you going to be able to live with it or not? He's a middle-aged man and this is his life so if it ain't cool with you move on.

Don't project this "men are commonly shitty lovers" to this situation. Women are often selfish and transactional, but that's not the story we're remarking on or the presentation that matters here. He couldn't do round two, and she doctored him and suggested he could just amp up that boner with an undiagnosed prescription. That's actually appalling behavior, from her, as it would be for a man.

Let's not drag this into men are sucky, please.

You're a little invested in this moron before you've ever met him....and you sound like you were put off by his weird over-sharing anyway. Don't overthink this stuff, listen to your instincts, and move on from people who give you a bad vibe....no need to go CSI on them, you would have been wasting your time if he was a good driver.

He's a man, on an app, there are millions more behind him.

Yeah, no kidding, men aren't fuck robots and especially not in middle age. If a woman wanted to go again but she was a little dry, I wouldn't belch out some unsolicited advice to see her gyno for estrogen therapy...holy shit the chutzpah on this one.

A man who posted a story like that would get absolutely murdered in this sub.

I moved here because Joe Rogan told me to

Like Rachel Dolezal/Shaun King white or Betty White/Colonel Sanders-white?

I guess I would invest in a young kid from England named Keith Richards. 

Well guys are on the demand side normally and we're not perpetually offended when someone shows interest in us even if that person isn't attractive so I think you're good. 

There's a double standard and you're on the right side of it so enjoy your privilege and ask away. Worst case he'll be flattered remember it for the rest of his life.

Their barbecue ranks somewhere in between Bill Millers and Rudy's. I mean I'd eat it, But it's pretty much exactly what I would expect from a grocery chain.

Well, we're only hearing your side of it, but is this a pattern? If it was one comment, sparked by you ignoring him talking to you and he was irked by it, maybe it's not that big of a deal.

You're focused on the money, but maybe focus on why he was upset? If you were talking to him and thought it was worth paying attention to and he was looking at his phone or talking to a bird or something, would you feel like you were being validated or ignored?

Now, if these transactional attitudes are a pattern, that's a very different thing and you should move on....but if it's one comment, maybe talk to him about it and find out if this is a real issue with him or just one thing blurted out.

No social media, no toxic binary news, less mental health support (count me as one that thinks at population scale dwelling on how you feel all the time and normalizing depression and anxiety makes more of it).

$203, I put $31k down on my CX-50. Usually pay them off fast and save for another down payment.

Have no investment in the outcome. Don't seek validation by someone who barely knows you.

That's how.

I moved here because Joe Rogan told me to

With the shoulder thing and a silencer, and an arm brace so Governor Abbott can personally hit protesters in the gob.

I moved here because Joe Rogan told me to

I'm going to give Terry Black some hush money in hopes he puts his tender savory meat in my face. I'm playing 4D chess.

I moved here because Joe Rogan told me to

I saw someone on the overpass waving a white nationalist cardboard sign that said down with brown people.

I was aghast, until I got closer and realized it said God bless, will work for organic free range BBQ.

When will this hate end????

You're focusing on one man's opinion and preferences. Out of millions of men his age who are single.

Why? Would you want to date this man?

Why not focus on the litany of us who would? I'm dating a woman with school aged children....marrying her in fact. So, yeah....she didn't let the nays rule her life, you shouldn't either.

I always give the same advice....drag them into the sunlight and choose to look at them as they actually are, rather than how they made you feel or your flimsy idealized version of them.

Often, the person you pine for or can't get over is someone who actively, forcefully told or showed you they have no interest in the relationship you want, or worse were just awful for you but you thought somehow...through some Rom-Com miracle they'd see the errors of their way and give an impassioned speech to the town hall at Christmas how you taught them to love again.

Fuck all that, see them as the person who left your life and the (usually) litany of ways they were not the person for you. Seeing people clearly is a great way to get over them, and to recognize better behaviors and compatibility with the next person.

When you choose not to, you hold future partners, and your own heart, to an unrealistic and unhealthy standard.