With all the moves we've made, and the money we're spending, the only acceptable outcome is a championship. If not, Ryan Day is gonna be gone

I read the headline as "Panama papers" at first. Amazing how quickly something like that can get buried.

:ohiostate: Ohio State

The National Championship

I think Penn St has a shot at handing us an L in Happy Valley, but we're gonna run the table outside of that.

You should be able to slide it back on, from the bottom or top. This happens on my kelty from time to time, this isn't supposed to hold a lot of tension, and these break free before damaging the clips.

ITT: lots of people who don't appreciate how much work it is being the one who cooks all the meals

Are you using the Sony app and sending via wifi? Make sure you are sending the full file, and not a compressed version. Or just use a cable to transfer directly

The Narcissist's Prayer:

That didn't happen.

And if it did, it wasn't that bad.

And if it was, that's not a big deal<<<---(we are here)

And if it is, that's not my fault.

And if it was, I didn't mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.

I take my staffy all the time, he loves it. We have a bunch of ruffwear gear that helps a ton. Sleeping bag and mat. I use the runner at camp so he can be unsupervised while we set up camp (doubles as a line to hang wet clothes). The harness with detachable packs is awesome, he carries his own food and a couple other things. A 2 person tent works great. Keep a collapsible bowl hanging from your pack so they can get water easily while hiking.

First trip he was on the leash a bunch, but after that he just strays with us so no leash unless we see other backpackers.

It's so obviously OP, that you must be a troll, lol.

Since there's nothing special, don't play with it.

I used to believe this, but our current political climate confirms that malice is indeed a driving force in people's behavior

When buying online, place the wanted item in the cart, and then ignore it. Often times the company will email you a coupon.

When approaching an intersection where you want to make a left turn, look for the lines of the detector before going all the way up to the line. Lots of times the detector is a full car length back, so stop on the detector and you'll get the green arrow early.

I have more, but they're mine, lol

They had live music at Prohibition last night as well

Yep. I picked one up recently and was melting people. So overpowered it's ridiculous.

Isn't the home depot founder the reason Maria Butina, the Russian spy, was able to gain access to the white house?

I buy smartwool on steepandcheap.com when the extra 20% off sales come through.

He would be a convicted felon throughout the appeals process, I'd take that, for sure.

We stayed there 2 nights, and went up the west side and back, as we parked in the southwest corner. Great spot for sure.