I appreciate you very much.

Hmmm any correlation to the increase in minimum wage?

Edit: I guess redditors don’t like questions. It’s ok, I have a few fake internet points to spare.

Sometimes I hear a super loud noise that wakes me up in the middle of the night. But it doesn’t wake anyone else up, and I think, was that just me?

I once met a guy who lost his arms like this. His house was flooding and in a rushed state, he went down to the basement and in a foot of water with wet hands tried turning off all the breakers in his main service panel. Absolutely horrific.

I’ve been on it since January and just developed them myself. Vomiting too. I think I may have cause pancreatitis. You may want to look into it as well.

Make sure you track your food. I was taking 2 naps a day at one point. Gotta keep those calories coming in.

It’s two fold: We never broke from old gen and video games are more expensive to make these days than ever before.

Same. The side effects for me can be brutal. It’s very temperamental sometimes I don’t even know what I ate to cause such havoc on my system. But I do generally stay away from spicy and/or fried food.

But I’m down 40 lbs and im never going back.

Honestly this journey is by trial and error. You take your shot, you see how it goes and adjust accordingly. Adjust medication dosing, amount of food, type of food, exercise, etc. I’ve been on it about 5 months now and everyone reacts differently but this community is great and likely someone has had a symptom that you’ll get.

It hasn’t been a comfortable journey, and I can confidently say I’ve felt every lb lost. However my goals are greater than the lack of comfort. I’ve lost 40 lbs and I’m never going back. Good luck!

It’s most days yeah. I did not know this. Many reviews of people saying they take it daily. Oops.

I Need Guidance - New ComplicationQuestion

Hi. I’ve been on compounded semaglutide since January and I’ve lost 40 lbs. Nice. 40M 250lb down to 210.

I’m still on 20 a week dose and 50 is the max you can take. It’s been really effective for me at less than half of the max dose.

I’ve had ups and downs like most of you but many of these symptoms ironed themselves out around week 6, with the exception of fatty foods (fried chicken, burger, etc). I’ll wake up with pains in the middle of the night to the point that I stay away from them or extremely careful with portion sizes. The other symptom I monitor is constipation, so I take an oxy powder natural cleanser that’s been really effective.

Fast forward until 2 weeks ago and I’ll all of a sudden I became very ill, tons of abdominal pressure, lots of sulfuric burps, violent vomiting, and diarrhea. It came out of thin air and It will always last 12 hours. Then the storms will calm and I’ll spend the next day exhausted and eating basically nothing while recovering. At first I thought it was an anomaly but it happened again 5 days later and then again the following week and now again, 3 days later from the last “episode”. I’m starting to become concerned (and tired).

Is it weird that I’m getting new symptoms? Has anyone had any similar experience? I’m tracking my food and I can’t find any correlation unless it’s like a spice or something. Please let me know.

Thank you for reading from the bottom of my empty stomach. 🫶🏼

Here’s the Amazon link. I’m not affiliated with them in anyway, but this is the brand I am using. The dose really depends on the person, 2 works for me, but you can take up to 4 a night. I’d start at 1 and work your way up.

My boy is just getting into funko pops. Ordered a master chief and Messi.

I had one of the purple game boy colors that was gifted to me as I child so I didn’t have a choice on the color.

I played a ton on it and now it’s super nostalgic for me when I see it. Good times.

Honestly it’s all about moderation. Make your meals count and watch portions. You can eat whatever you want.

Sound like a homeowner lol. Each day there’s shit that needs doing around here.

We were naive enough to let my MIL know when my wife was going into labor with our first child. Little did we know she was going to come to the hospital unannounced. An hour later she bust into the room while my wife was spread eagle. Telling the nurses and my wife what to do and how to do it (everything is always about her). We kept asking her to leave until my wife finally yelled at her to get out. Nurse asked us if we wanted to call security and I told her yes, if she came in again. Didn’t make that mistake with the subsequent children. Grandma never knew until after delivery 😁

we complain about everything apparently.