Does not change the fact that you have no idea what happened during HER birth. So maybe instead of assuming you could just let her tell her story?

She hasn’t even said what has happened yet? So how do you know that it has anything to do with the gestation? MANY people that have traumatic births also have healthy babies. But sure- this group is incredible at making up their own stories and realities and believing them.

I feel there are smart ways to go about it if you have the means- such as only creating the amount of embryos that you are willing to transfer & raise.

Wow you people are disgusting. If you think a miscarriage and what comes along with it isn’t traumatizing, then you must have something seriously wrong with you.

Get a life. Holy cowwww. Obsessing over someone else is not cute at all. If people don’t want to follow her, they don’t have to. It’s simple as that. Don’t give her the time of day? I mean how old are you people?

How disgusting to say.

It’s called now allowing negativity on HER page. Content creators can do whatever they want. They don’t have to entertain BS if they don’t want to. Those are her children and that’s her life as well. She is very excited to be their mother and show a little into what their life has been for months. Yall can’t ever be happy for someone. Those kids have a damn good life. There’s a huge difference between just sharing, and exploiting you kids and forcing them to partake in trends and such for money.

I think a major point here is that this child is going to biological parents who won’t be hiding how the baby came about. I feel a lot of trauma comes from secrets but if this surrogacy situation does have open communication, then the chances are lessened.

I’m proud of her for doing her thing but it does make other moms feel shame. And i don’t like that. “Born sober” that’s just making it seem wrong to use pain control

Isn’t that content creators goals? And she did, so good for her

No one can tell you that you can’t grow your family anymore. It’s just not recommended that you pursue surrogacy if you are wanting more children because the surrogacy pregnancy could go really bad and you will lose that ability. I’ve wondered why she would take that risk too because at one point they were trying to conceive another.

Was going to say the same thing. Who cares how many diapers someone uses 😅

Nevermind. It popped up for me. It wasn’t showing. But why would she care about views on her instagram story?

Is this an instagram story?

I’m over seeing it all tbh. As long as they all don’t post about them going forward, I’m good with it.

Not at all. The sub just wants to believe there is 🤣

Then unfollow her? How miserable is your life if you follow just for moments like this so that you can put it on Reddit so other people can dog on her as well and make you feel good about it?

I absolutely agree. Also want a reason to dog on people 🤣🤣