Is he swinging at something level with his shoulders?

While they don’t appear to be designed for that, kids gonna be kids, and everything at the park is fair play.

Then again, im an uncle and not a father


Bro, I’ve been told if the timing chain goes while you’re driving your engine is FUBAR - is this not true?

My friend, put your focus and energy where it’s needed right now, which is into yourself. Having a BPSO can be draining, and if you’re not in a good place already in your life, then things can get ugly, fast. I’m not saying give up on her, though. I am saying to 1) work on yourself and get to a place where you’re happy with yourself and 2) do research into BP. There’s a book called “Loving Someone with Bipolar” and the first few chapters can give you some good insight into the disorder and the mind of the person with it. Based on my personal experience, I would not move forward until you’re happy with yourself and until you understand the disorder better. Only then can you truly make an educated decision as to whether or not this is something you want in your life, short term or long.

Check first time home buyers programs, federally and locally. Might make a huge difference in what you can afford if you income-qualify.

It’s a throwaway line. Never to be spoken of again.

No sounds on desktop… thought I was going crazy. I’m beginning to hate this website

Assistant Principal? He’s a music teacher there. Birkhold is his last name.

“Bro what is Naruto??” Is the name of the post I downvoted.

Pushing off your back leg/stepping further forward can help you with that