I have about 600 victor cards no clue what to do with them

Yes and quality of your paper, it may need to be completely reworked, etc.

Couldn’t agree more with Vintage advice

Almost forgot that this isn’t an American PhD which has no limit and typically 5-6 years. In the case of 3 years and there is a guarantee you get a PhD (meaning the school is forced to graduate you like Europe, which is completely lame) then sticking it out makes sense. But then again not sure how much value your PhD will have too

Both matter a lot, and who you got a PhD with, probably matters the most. If you want to eventually end up doing ML research then PhD is only way. Right now I’m not too convinced you know what you enjoy. When I was in your shoes I was actively writing papers, and submitting them, etc.

Your claim doesn’t make sense. A 9 will make card worthless? It could be a 5, and if it’s 1/1 it’s still huge deal. I don’t know if you saw one of the top baseball cards, Mickey mantle or something went for 250k and it was like a 4. I’d be a bit more careful when giving advice

I think we can agree on this :). I have a plum tree in my yard with zillions of plums. 90% of them have been eaten by various bugs.

I think we can agree on this :). I have a plum tree in my yard with zillions of plums. 90% of them have been eaten by various bugs.

I think we can agree on this :). I have a plum tree in my yard with zillions of plums. 90% of them have been eaten by various bugs.

Not really :) because biology and chemistry are not two distinct categories. It’s pretty simple let’s not complicate things. Plants need food, compost is broken down into its chemical elements that is food for the plant. Alternatively but equivalently there are many other ways to get the exact same chemicals that make food for the plant. No different. It’s not like the plant is going to eat something harmful. This is what people who talk about organics completely miss but honestly not trying to change opinions because I won’t

What am I “obtuse” about? I’m an American professor at top-10 university

Oh, I’m honestly confused by yours too. How is a fertilizer not natural? You need to think more about science and what these things mean for the plants both biologically and chemically

Yes plants need fertilizer to grow. They not you would exist without it

What is a non organic fruit? One that is dead?

All celery is organic by definition it’s a vegetable.

Every dog and some humans need to be leashed. No if, and, or buts.

Yeah it is routine. I have a lot of students even cold emailing asking to work on various research problems for free, etc

lmao people without PhDs largely do not contribute to science simply because they can’t. They apply the knowledge PhDs have discovered.

Not if you learn to slow time by doing different things every chance you get