It’s giving black natural Barbie 😍😮‍💨

The next time I do a weave I’m definitely going to get kinky hair. I love this look! But I also know what you mean about the bulkiness. Either way sis it looks great!

It sounded so normal to me until I read this comment, idk how to feel about that.

Making sure your natural hair under is as flat as possible also helped me get the wig to lay flat. Other wise I would have a “helmet” haha

Have you tried anything else by pattern? I feel like for type 4 hair it probably isn’t the best but I want to get others opinions before I try

It’s so cute! Where on earth did you find this?

Edit: just read the description off to aliexpress I go!

Also Op are you in the US? The ones I’ve found say china networks 🥹

It’s so cute! Where on earth did you find this?

Edit: just read the description off to aliexpress I go!

Is this shit real? Like am I too high for this?

Awww love to see it #blacklove #beautifullocs

Yes! A baby’s skull is soft enough so that it can form to fit through the birth canal! I was in labor close to two days our son had a cone head but it wasn’t that bad. The little hospital beanies save the babies lives sometimes 🤣

Vaginas (I’m referring to it as a whole not just the opening) very much need soap or some sort of mild cleanser. Like someone else mentioned the inside of your vagina is self cleansing (discharge) please wash your outer lady parts with more than water!

This reminds me of one of my co workers who said she would stick her soapy fingers up there to cleanse herself, go figure she got a yeast infection badd.

Custom Flair

I’m literally so happy to see all the og and not people from when degrassi started to go downhill!

Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw

Thank you very much for the info. I’ll definitely be on the look out. Reddit for the win again 💙🤗