But if they're married then divorce she gets half his shit lol how is that fair.

Murder is illegal you morons. This doesn't mean what you think it means.

Last Day of June.

Others mentioned my top 2 (To The Moon, What Remains of Edith Finch), but this one is a close 3rd and has the same emotional gut punches.

This is the answer. As a 34 year old guy, the game looked basic and story-rich, read the reviews and figured there was no way I would tear up from this game.

Boy was I wrong. I wish my memory could be erased so I could play it again, it's SO GOOD.

While I do like baseball and the plunking/revenge thing is kind of fun, it's also wild that it's allowed in baseball but you do this on the street and it's assault at minimum, possibly attempted murder lmao. It's just "accepted".


Even if their music was amazing like wtf is that gross name lol. Who thought it was a good idea?

Dude has a DJ table and doesn’t do shit on it. Presses one or two buttons max. It’s low quality and effort content.

Yeah when she said that part it floored me....like wtf. That's what you say to someone that ISN'T your boyfriend.

Trump answered several questions. Just off the top of my head when asked if he would accept the election results, he said if it was a fair election yes he would. So there's a counter example. Get fact checked nerd. Do research before you speak.

People not realizing we have a system of checks and balances, the House and the Senate to shoot down any crazy, fascist plans Trump would even put forth. Idk why you brainless mongrels keep saying he will be a dictator when there is so much that needs to happen after Trump even tries any of them. I am sick of this argument thinking Trump would even come close to getting this in motion.

This is such a dumb argument. Even if Trump gets elected and tried his hardest to make the US fascist, we have checks and balances, the House and the Senate that will shoot anything like that down ASAP. Do you even know basic American politics or what?

Newsflash...politicians lie ALL THE TIME. Lmao...this is expected and nothing new. If I had a penny for every time a politician said something false, or said they'd do X while in office, then NOT do X, I would be raking it in. So not sure why this is news lol. Now Biden not even being able to speak a coherent sentence...that is not okay.

BTW not defending Trump, but I'm seeing everyone bash him for lying when that's the norm and degenerative mentality in Biden is far worse.

And Biden's incoherent ramblings of dementia weren't a dumpster fire? I'm not defending Trump but damn both of them were absolute clowns up there, why is only Trump taking heat?

Biden can't even respond lol half his answers turned into some dementia ridden rambling...

I swear people on this sub just make posts about something new/questioning it without taking 5 seconds to look it up.

To The Moon. Made me severely tear up twice and I’m 34.

It makes What Remains Of Edith Finch look like child’s play.

Also notable is Last Day of June, Rime.

This is The Office, you are reading way too deep into this lol.

Well now it doesn't itch but I have a second degree burn. Thanks.

It's crazy how effective this is even up to like, 10 years old.

"and I'm over him now." Uhh no, petty immature revenge like this shows you are not over him at all. Grow up lmao.