Biden gets called out all the time, even on MSNBC.

I was wondering if he moved back. I think it'd be the best thing for him. I remember him saying in an episode during the Flagstaff move that is parents didn't understand that some of their kids are "city slickers" and don't want to leave Las Vegas for Flagstaff.

Her IG is private but her bio says she's a traveling RN and has Albuquerque, NM as her location.

I hope to God abortion is completely abolished some day. Good grief!

Abortion has always and will always happen. Taking away access to safe abortion does not and will not mean that no women will ever have an abortion.

Christine and David most definitely have MAGA energy. I've never felt otherwise.

Most of us already know democrats and republicans were associated with Epstein and we know Bill Clinton is one of them. The difference is most progressive aren't in denial and don't blindly support someone like Bill Clinton just because he's a democrat. Trumps base denies all his wrong-doings and worship at his feet.

Ooof that's a painful car payment.

There are soo many factors to consider. No two people have the same circumstances.

It depends on what you want to do. Non-profits employ accounts, IT professionals, social workers, grant writers, program managers, fundraisers, admin assistants. I worked at an organization that had its own facilities department rather than outsourcing those roles.

I have a BA and would say you need some sort of education or schooling to be hired.

Being from here or being here for a long time helps. I find this question frustrating because moving and looking for a place in 2024 is a very different experience.

I've been in my place 6 years. What I do and earn is irrelevant because I'm not paying market rate like you are so my $75K goes further than your $100K. I also don't have astronomical student loans and my car is paid off..

You have a good 15 years before you have to worry about your parents. Unless they have some unforseen health issues or an accident, but that can happen at any age. Buy what you can afford now. You can live in a 2 bedroom with a baby. If you work in Downey look in that area and Norwalk, Pico Rivera, Montebello.

It's not so much about what we do, but obviously that's a factor. The other key factor is how long you've been in L.A. and how long ago you either moved into or bought your place.

Those of us who are from here, grew up here, and have family support, will be having a different experience than someone trying to move here and pay 2024 prices. The same can apply to someone who has been here 10 or 20 years and either bought when rates were low or moved into an rent controlled apartment.

Of course there will always be exceptions in all groups of people. And a higher income will make life easier.

I also work for a non-profit, pay $1600, and have been in my place since 2018. My landlord has only raised the rent twice by $50 in the last 6 years.

OP needs to heed this advice. Maintenaing a home can be a part-time job in itself.

How old are your parents? You probably don't need to worry about them or your future in-laws just yet. Get the home you can afford.

But ya maybe OC is better. But...there aren't any houses for $700k lol

Where in L.A. do you work? I ask because you said the valley is too far a commute. But if you're already at the O.C./L.A. border I guess you can try Anaheim, Buena Park, Cypress, Cerritos, Norwalk, or Whittier.

This is to explain how even making good is not enough to live on your own in LA.

This thread is filled with comments from people who make less than you and live on their own. Your circumstances are different because of your massive student loan debt which is equivalent to a down payment on a house.

If the show & its team had nothing to do with it why include them?

He was extremely inebriated and not thinking rationally. We have no idea why he did what he did.

I appreciate that there's some walkability and it's a generally low-key area

I would love to be within walking distance of that particular Trader Joe's. I like that area a lot.

After the tragedy in March which we all know was a direct result of the show

We actually don't know this. None of us know why Garrison took his own life.

I don't think most people are subscribing to whatever they're subscribing to only for sister wives. Regardless watching the clips for free and participating on reddit is all part of the engagement process. You're inadvertently supporting them anyway.

All engagement helps make them money. What you're saying here is that you're too curious not to watch at all but you're going to make a show of cancelling your Discovery + membership and get sanctimonious about how you aren't watching the show.

I don't watch reality TV to see good people. I don't anyone in this family is particularly likeable. If you feel so strongly about not watching then don't. I support far worse people than Kody every time I get gas or shop at a big box retail store.

I get what you mean now. It is nice to see Leon be part of the extended family even if Meri isn't.

I thought that at first too! There's A LOT of people invoved here!

Adam's kids knew his mom though. She came over for Thanksgiving every year. He wasn't completely no contact with her which is what makes it weird.