Maybe they can resurrect Bin Laden and say he's hiding in Spain, time to go spread some freedom. Or better yet create a new persona to serve their corrupt interests for the next decade.

This is a basic divide and conquer tactic that the British left behind.

I don't think most Hindus hate Muslims and vice versa. Like the extremist judaic Israelis (as opposed to people who consider themselves Jews but don't even believe in god, let alone Judaism) there are extremist Hindus in India fueled by the current hateful government. They blame all the problems on the Muslims and take no account of the history and how once upon a time religious differences in the region were of little issue.

I don't think the CEO's religion has little to do with their actions, rather the ridiculous lobbying and shady pressure that comes from zionist interest that have embedded their claws everywhere in the US (and elsewhere).

It's clear that money speaks, and Zionist lobbying has gotten out of hand. So many things are compromised. Politicians are easy to understand. Corporations, I feel, should be smarter at least.

The more this happens the more people need to be worried. If they can do such selective censoring, control and repression, it is only a matter of time this happens to other freedoms.

ComputerShare Is The Way

The only time I'm playing leaning back is when I am not really invested in the game.

If they really wanted to destroy evil, maybe they should have done so with the Nazis, instead of fleeing like pansies and then becoming Nazis.

When they can do surgical strikes on three cars kilometers apart, to kill some humanitarian aid workers, the billions they get from sugar daddy USA, to further develop and test their weapons, anyone who believes they are 'incompetent' and not deliberate, lives in a fantasy world.

Noooo, you couldn't be more wrong. Just look at how European may know them as politicians...have acted and responded in the past 6 months. They all speak with the same tongue, so to speak. It's just that some countries are acting more fascist-like than others in how they handle protesters who are demanding some sort of humanity from their so-called leaders.

Holy shit, that last slice!


It's more of a comparison of bigotry, hate speech, and indoctrination to support violent and discriminatory practices in order to benefit a few.

It's people like Modi and Netanyahu that incite violence and create instability in a country or an entire region.

The shit Brits left behind a mess on purpose, it was up to the people of Indian (and Pakistan) to come to terms, realize that religion is not an issue, it is as always a few people who would do anything for power and their own financial gains.

It's great marketing. There are countless people (with no sense of fashion) that use it outside of gym use. My gf keeps seeing it because they are so noticeable. Now whenever she says "I saw someone with the bag", I know what she is speaking about. As soon as I see a bit of flashy orange on a bag, I know what to think of.

Zionism is nothing more than one of the many corruptions plaguing the world. The fact that no matter who protests they find a way to twist the facts and truths shows how important it is to continue this fight. This is no longer just for Palestinians, but also our own freedoms and for the future generations. Because be assured, once these vultures have destroyed far away lands, they will put all the focus to oppress closer to home. This struggle is for getting rid of the sickness that has spread across our financial, legal, educational and political arenas.

Not much of a conspiracy theory. It is exactly how it is. Along with the corporate media and the disgusting politicians who all have the same script they regurgitate that is handed over to them by the overlords. It's truly disgusting to see how these vultures running our countries lie and deceive with a straight face.

We've all seen these movies. It's just scary that it is happening in real life. Coincidentally I saw a video of the latest Boston Dynamics robot. Take the current corrupt state the political arena is in, fast forward ten years, adjust corruption for inflation and these robots will be doing the killings sooner than later.

I really can't bear this bullshit anymore. These pieces of shits say all this garbage with a straight face and are trying so hard to make their nonsensical arguments to become truths just like every other time they have done this in the past.

Well no longer. People see right through it. Fuck these sad excuse for human beings.

That Blinken is a Zionist at heart, his father was one as well supposedly. It's a family business for him to be a vicious, lying, dreadful excuse for a human being.

As long as the americans keep working and paying taxes and the fed keeps printing money, the US will always have ammo. Ponzi scheme is alive and well.

She it is then.

I didn't think it was controversial. Merely was responding to the comment above mine, that seemed to be hating your post.

Anyway. Good photos. And good editing.

How is all this coming to light and nothing happening...?

What kind of sick and twisted garbage has this planet become? We are governed by sadistic criminals that worship money.

That is really nice. But I feel the tree should have been in the middle of that frame, that person does not add anything to the photo.

Ethnic cleansing and genocide consists of more than just outright killing of a certain population. Removing/Destroying infrastructures that will prevent future healthcare, education, policing, lawmaking, sources of food, farmland...essentially the core elements that a population needs to sustain life falls within the realm of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Israeli is guilty of all of that, the killing and now in the past 6 months, the removal of livelihood for the Palestinians in Gaza (partly they had been doing that in the past as well).

It is certainly a complex subject matter, and the average person should inform themselves of it in order to better understand what Israel is doing.

However, when there are people who could be considered experts in the field of humanitarian/international law and have studied the subject of genocides and atrocities committed in the past and their official stance is that Israel is guilty of it, I think we can rest assured that we can believe that those people know what they are speaking about.

Unfortunately we would rather believe the snakes that we call politicians, who turncoat at any given moment. They will without hesitation condemn one side and when asked about the other they throw down the "well I'm not a lawyer/expert/scientist" card when asked to do the same about the other side.

It's just another controlled news piece for the corporate media to shove down people's throats. This instead of proper journalism that would focus on the disgusting Israelis setting up camp at the border to block aid from driving in, and having food catering and music while they are at it. Or showing all the footage that clearly shows harassment or outright Killing of innocents by the Israelis. The 'settler' violence. Or even the few protesters in Israel, protesting against this atrocity.

The only place consistently doing that kind of journalism is al Jazeera, so of course Israel needs to get it banned asap.