My Uber day

Had an El Fenix eats order. Stacked order for CiCis comes in. More than decent fare per mile together. The Fenix restaurant guy tells me someone picked else picked it up from Doordash about 45 minutes ago. He

Fine, I go to CiCis. 6 minute wait. Stacked order for Otb comes in. Go back to check on CiCis, yoing nervous girl tells me it's got 10 minutes. Came out a minute later though. Girl is opening every box in the order to show me and wait for me to tell her it's good before showing me the next pizza. She opens the Alfredo and some slices stick to the top, and fall onto the counter. Face first on the counter. She's picking them up and putting them back in, in front of other customers around me as well. Saying she washed her hands, it's fine. A manager has to come over shaking his head to tell her it's a remake. Got the order cancelled by support.

You can bet support told me that if this keeps happening without me taking a picture, my access to Uber eats will be in question. I got paid for both these anyway.

Picked up a $4 to take a guy to a gas station .4m away. Told him where I was headed back, and he says his buddy is going the same way 29 miles. He says Uber shows $26 for the trip, I say I'll do it for $30 cash. End up taking his buddy where he needs to go very close to home to wrap it up for the night.

Does that mean putting cushion into the curve of your lower back?

First we all clapped, then I nutted in her friends mouth

Are you a fellow overwatch Pharah main?

I WASNT REPLYING TO YOU. God the entire world is just terrible isn't it. I was supporting your opinion, genius.

Your thoughts are much different from the video we're commenting on. Any thoughts on that?

It literally has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with how easily you let made up words make you feel. It has to do with you. Literally the people like you is why this is all happening. People keep trying to tell you and you'll just never get it.

Advice for the grind on the body?

After working many hours, I had to stop a few days because I got crippling sciatic pain in my lower back, hips, posterior and my legs. I could not stand, walk or sit down for a few seconds at a time. Only laying down.

Has anyone had to deal with this? What kind of body pain have you had to deal with while driving long hours? How have you managed it? How often do you get out of the car and take breaks? Anybody take walks or use a seat cushion?

2017 Nissan Sentra. I feel like the way my seat is designed makes it impossible to drive long hours without injuring myself. It's tilted from the knees down to the butt, where it sinks deeper. It's pretty low to the ground. Raising it higher doesn't raise the butt part of it much. If I pull the seat further from the wheel, I can't reach it. But my thighs practically don't touch the seat and my knees go up to the steering wheel. I can't sit with my knees at 90 degrees because if I adjust the seat that high up, it's too high and I'm about to hit the ceiling/the rearview mirror doesn't adjust higher. I'm not even tall, I'm 5 foot 10 inches. Tilting the back part of the seat back is the only thing that's helped me so far.

Please help.

One time a girl cheated on me with a girl, and I told her I would let it go if we had a threesome, and I nutted in her friends mouth.

I literally came to the comment section to say that's Homelander after Starlight makes out with Queen Maeve

Seems the entire 9 minute video went over your head. I wonder if you watched the debate, watched this video, and then still said "we have to vote for Joe biden at all costs'

Shut up and take my upvotes

The media isn't even discreet anymore with its intentions.

Why does the majority of people look at this and not see that the magazine literally wants you to feel subconscious fear? They're telling you that. It's like the WAP of magazine covers. We're not even hiding it anymore. They realized they can rub it right in your face and laugh and it still works all the same.

Disgusting! Where is he donating it to? What's the website? I want to AVOID IT of course to make sure I never accidentally click a link and buy NIPPLE HAIR! At ALL COSTS!

Rather recognize I'm a meat bag than live in a fantasy where certain humans are more than simple meat bags and somehow I'm one of them with comments like this.

Life is creepy. It feels like it just as easily could have been someone there thinking "oh God we're about to die a horrible bloody death, this is the end of my life right now" and this thing just walks straight towards you and you see brown fur, claws, screaming, all the same background bird nature noises continue on like normal, blood everywhere in your eyes and face and mouth, you see some of the ground but you're laying on your back and your other eye is blurred but it doesn't see the same thing as your other eye, your two friends are screaming and you see them on the ground too, then huge footsteps running off as you fade out, then shortly after hear the huge footsteps and roaring coming back and your friends screaming but it's over for you. It's just quiet except the birds. This video never makes it to reddit, just floats around among the others on the dark web. See it was the fear and the anticipation of what would happen that made it happen. Cool video.

Didn't anyone ever see Kick Ass? He's The Motherfucker

Are you sure? Sounds like extra sounds are added in. Actually it's those extra sounds that are specifically annoying. Video games didn't still sound like that by the time of donkey Kong SNES. Those are arcade machine sounds.

Noticing a lot of people who claim they couldn't finish it, but no explanation. What specifically made you give up on the entire rest of the movie, or what was so hard for you about watching it?

The person I tried to get to watch it, that quit after the first fight scene, said "I don't know, it just seems silly," which to me is an insane reason to be physically unable to try the rest of a movie. Curious to know how this was really so hard for some of you to sit through

I rented a couple random movies I'd been wanting to see once before a shrooms trip. Imagine my surprise as I click on Sonic 2 as the trip is kicking in, and the first thing on the screen is MUSHROOM PLANET followed by a shot of a classic red and white psychedelic mushroom.

Yes, I live in a sick fantasy world for believing Uber forces drivers to accept shitty terms and for believing they will continue to if it benefits them financially. What world are you living in?