Sorry to the mods if this is just way out of line for this subreddit - completely understand if it gets deleted (though hope it doesn't).

First off, I am really sad I just now joined this sub since it seems SDRE was just here in NYC two weeks ago and I missed it!

Anyhow, the topic of the post, River and Cornflake Girl. I was just looking through some old stuff of mine, and I found my Thirty Ought Six Hag Seed CD - and it reminded me of how I learned about both SDRE and 30.06 back in approximately 1997/1998. I was on a web chat room and two sisters that went by the names River and Cornflake Girl, that lived out in Seattle (or was it Portland?), told me all about both the bands - as well as other bands they would see. We talked quite a bit about music, most notably SDRE and 30.06, and they even sent me two cassette bootlegs of the bands. So I was just reminiscing, and figured I'd post on here and see if by any slim chance they were still fans 25+ years later and somehow on this sub-reddit. Just curious where they ended up in life!

Either way, glad to be here so I don't miss any future opportunities to see them live!