the publisher's barely disguised fetish

can i get an empty face so i can slap random faces on there?

Kill quotes suggestions:

[Killing someone - you called (player name) a piece of garbage],

[Getting killed - (player name) called you a piece of garbage],

[Self Destruct - hi just checking in]

fixed it (i hope)

jokes on you i'm ga-

shut the fuck up all you're doing is insulting me for using 2 words


get a fucking life instead of arguing with random people on the internet, breathe in fresh air, touch grass, TAKE A GOD DAMN SHOWER FOR FUCK SAKE DUDE, YOU STINK LIKE MY AUNT'S ASHES.

i will use a folding chair to smash your brains in, fucker.


if there's any reposts, don't blame me, some dumb glitched caused this to repost just now (i deleted it) :P