I started with a 21-day Standard process purity cleanse (they sell a kit, you can look it up online). When it was finished I did a little research on good quality probiotics (I don't remember which one I landed on, but I felt good about them at the time). I took those and ate one greek yogurt every day while eating fermented foods (non-spicy kim chi, saurkraut, pickled radishes, etc) 3-4 times a week minimum for a couple weeks after finishing the cleanse while avoiding any overly processed wheat products.

I am not saying that will work for everybody but it worked for me. I lost 18 lbs on the cleanse, then another 30-40 (I gain about 10 lbs every winter) and have kept the weiht off by 1) avoiding food I know give me inflamation and 2) pulling back off processed foods when my gut starts flaring up. I was averaging 235-240lbs at the time, now I fluxuate from 178-188 as long as I don't drink too much beer, keep white flour down to occasional, and keep my gut from getting inflamed.

Can't say this will do anything for you but it helped me. Good luck if you are dealing with anything like I was, not fun putting in the work to get it fixed but totally worth it.

Should I listen to the band FUEL? I have never heard of it before just now.

I remember 5-mile Creek being in Australia.

Is it fitted? An ill-fitting suit is worse than no suit at all. Don't believe me? Go watch all gas no brakes on youtube.

The very same mayor Pete that joined a coordinated DNC effort to squeeze Bernie out of being nominated as the democratic candidate (again)? *sniff sniff* Smells corruption-free to me!

Yeah, I trained Mark to stop the caboose.

I have used Vanguard and Charles Schwab. I would suggest Vanguard.

So, Will Smith + Bodyweight = Laurence Fishbourne ?

I always assumed it was spelled 'pagh' but I have no reason to think that.

Jax looks like a mix between Steve Harvey and "The Sisko"