If a woman looks younger, you can ask the question. Real chances or not women can be young, and they use fake ID to go into the club not to end up with a pedophile. Blaming victims just shows what you are

Damn, so manywrongs here. The most this new young culture to video shit happening, people potentially ruining their life's, just to you can post it online where you show everyone how incompetent and shallow you sre

Depends where in Balkan

Evo baš od Tarantina mogu dosta pogledat, jedan sam od rijetkih kojem je Django najbolji film, onda Inglorious pa tek Pulp I Dogsi. Sve cu sigurno jos jedno 20 puta pogledat.

If Toei would cut half the exposition, it would he right in our mind

Yes, since the objective can't be restarted after failing

You have been 20 something drunk, and if you would actually get with some girl, it would have been the one who you can ask for consent. It's not like you go to a club and 50 girls try to jump you so you don't have time to find out a single information from them

Though the same until Homelander made that surprised tit milk in your face scene

It's been two years, it should have already been fixed or not. You could have done it. If not move, I mean, it's been two years. You would rather make a reddit post than fix it. It's a shiny job, but yeah, it's been two years

How they all waited for Jesus to appear and get help

That's gonna be a Disney carcrash one day

Ako se dobro sjećam ima veze samo sa krajem. Ubace to u priču i brijem evo opet, al nije uopće neki fokus na tome do kraja kad kaj je najgore čak i ima smisla s obzirom da su išli neš drugo isfurat + super su se nadovezali na događaje prije knjige Otok s Blagom

thank god I don't pay much attention to what people write because I was very much surprised

This will end with no Sanji on the list. Wait till Zoro hears about this

Oh so that's Salahs full name