R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

Yeah IMHO P4G is peak Atlus where taking a modern setting and adding their unique style to it is concerned, I've been waiting for them to commit to a full-fantasy setting in one of their RPGs for quite some time.

The only thing stopping me from pre-ordering CE for Metaphor is the concern that they'll release a "Royal" or "Golden" edition a year or two later.

100% this. If we're not getting a new MvC game any time soon, bring some Marvel characters into Street Fighter. Specifically some of the X-Men universe characters.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

Great detailed reply there. Now name an open-world RPG better than Witcher 3 and Elden Ring. I'd say I'll wait, but I'd be waiting decades.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

Being a great game isn’t an excuse. FFVII Remake, Jedi: Survivor, and TLoU got rightfully criticized despite being great games otherwise. No idea why Elden Ring was excused from this.

None of those are on par with Elden Ring gameplay-wise, that's why. The experience is worth overlooking some performance issues, just like it was for Witcher 3 early on, and just like it is for Baldur's Gate 3 in the later sections of the game. ER is in GOATed territory, which is at least a few notches above "good," and at least a couple notches above "great."

Nonetheless, Steam reviews did reflect performance issues at launch, and they currently reflect those issues for the DLC, too.

Weapon restrictions

You wouldn't be trying to suggest that's a bad thing while simultaneously implying that violent crime rates are too high, would you? Because that would make you a hypocrite and a moron.

I think it's unlikely to happen, but at the same time much more likely now than it ever has been before, because of the fact that Marvel would've had to have signed off on this new collection releasing.

Also, so many of the fan favorites have now been introduced into the MCU in one form or another (X-Men '97, new F4 movie) that it's less of an issue with the cross-promotional stuff.

MvC:I was wack. UMvC3 was great, but it's not easy living up to a GOAT like MvC2. That said, I absolutely wanna see Capcom cook with an MvC4 given how amazing SF6 continues to be.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

What? Malenia has her dinky little multi-slash move, once you learn to dodge that you're golden. Rellana has multiple different combo attacks and multiple AoE spells that cover the entire arena. She's also way faster than Malenia at closing the gap. Malenia is plenty manageable solo at RL100, Rellana feels like she was designed to be fought at RL200 with +3 blessing and with an NPC summon + spirit ash summon.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

But you could beat rellana and liondancer without them especially if youre level 200+

Oh definitely, I only had the +1 blessing before fighting her, and I was only level 140, so I was making it a little harder on myself than necessary. Those bosses are supposed to be a struggle to help returning players get their edge back before moving on to the rest of the DLC.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

You can only get a certain number of the blessings before fighting her, she's sort of the Margit of the initial DLC area. It's a combination of both.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

i dont think they ever said it was a difficulty slider, its a way to make level 200+ players struggle too. I honestly dont think it scales hard enough to actually do that tho.

Oh it absolutely does, Rellana took me several more tries than Malenia. She's Pontiff 2.0, and I loved every second of it. Never change FromSoft.

Mohg is optional in regards to everything except accessing the DLC. Beating him won't advance any other quests or the "main" story line.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

Miyazaki loves under-promising and over-delivering. I won't spoil anything, but I've already found several DLC weapons for each of my characters that are absolute peak in terms of effectiveness and design.

I think the conspiracy convention and podcaster stuff in S4 is what finally got some of them to realize they're the butt of the joke.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

Maybe if you're trying to run the game on hardware under minimum requirements and without an SSD. Otherwise no, all the games I listed perform a lot worse than Elden Ring in every scenario.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

It's one of the worst PC-ported major releases in recent years

Not even close. Jedi: Survivor, Remnant 2, Forspoken, and pretty much everything else running on UE5. I'd add in Dragon's Dogma 2, but that runs even worse on consoles.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

Exactly, it's such a stupid argument to make. "If it had been Ubisoft or EA that made Baldur's Gate 3 or Elden Ring..." then they wouldn't be Ubisoft or EA, now would they? Any technical issues their games have are just the dingleberry on top of a diarrhea sundae.

There are only a couple other developers who come even close to matching FromSoft's level of polish in gameplay and level design, and they've both released games worthy of being in the GOAT conversation too. EA and Ubisoft rank under a whole lot of indie devs, FFS.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

The mastery of level design is making complex but enjoyable to navigate levels. FromSoft delivered a master class of that in Bloodborne, but I haven't seen them truly reach that level ever again since that game, it's just been "shadows" of it.

Elden Ring is absolutely a master class in open world design. Move in any direction from a point of interest and you'll see another, never too close or too far away. Verticality is also baked into everything.

You can't design an open world game exactly like Bloodborne because Bloodborne isn't open world, it's just that simple.

Right, but Homelander has been intertwined with Vought from the beginning of the series in much the same way that Trump was born straight into the corporate world. Anti-Trump is anti-corporate and vice-versa.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree of course, lots of dark areas juxtaposed with bright colors would be perfect on an OLED display!

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

Plus calling it a "2000s engine" is really misleading. If you've ever actually worked with Creation Engine you'd know that the modern version of CE is very, very different from the old Gamebryo engine that was used for FO3, Oblivion and FNV.

Doesn't really matter what it looks like from a developer's perspective when from a player's perspective you can still see the bones of Oblivion creaking underneath. Right down to the ridiculous uncanny valley facial expressions.

The fact that Starfield is able to generate a worldspace the size of Skyrims entire map on the fly AND the fact that it launched relatively bug free is really impressive if you're at all familiar with it, and if you're familiar with engine development at all you'd know that they're all iterative of eachother because of how expensive building a fresh new engine is.

Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle. How impressive is it generating entire planets if they're just gonna stick two whole points of interest on them and call it a day?

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

Oof, sequel to Elden Ring will be out before the next Elder Scrolls game at this rate, and Bethesda will probably still be using the same early 2000s engine for it, too. Microsoft bought themselves a stinker.

R5-3600 RTX 3080 32GB :steam:

I'll grant you that IG is the easiest weapon you can pick in World by a wide margin, but it's also a lot slower to kill than others, and that's about how easy every weapon is in Rise. Wirebug is like playing Dark Souls/Elden Ring with pre-nerf quickstep just given to you free in your base kit for every weapon.