I have never heard of vacating half of road.why would city want half of a alley

Lots of people illegally post no parking signs. The issue would be if cars actually were towed based on this sign. The tow company would be liable for illegal tow and cost to bring back vehicles.

Credit card to start cruise and they paid cash at end of cruise for bill. Won big at casino

I saw many people order drinks and then give it to another person

Ncl lets you pay bill in cash lady year. Initially are charges go to room backed by credit card, but you can pay bill with cash

I would never allow the people I was with to buy me drinks with their package/s.the crew didn’t care if you gave a drink to someone when I was on bliss last year. Wife doesn’t drink so no drink package for me

Is property in Seattle city limits? If yes they have control of alley. If you have all permits you are good to build

It was never between the individual and their doctor.it was federal regulations rules controlling abortion until sc said it should be state rules

Health rules are not set individually instead rules are set by state or federal.Roe set rules at federal level, now rules are set state level. Totally opposite of overreaching. Rules are set at level closest to the people

Individuals do not set health regulations states do.roe was federal government setting rules for everyone ,now states decide all health regulations. there are not banned books, just books that government is not buying.that is huge difference

Health regulations are done on state level so that is as local as the laws can get. Get facts and quit repeating propaganda

I have security lights that are on around the clock, until they burn out. No issues with bulbs.as others say light on constantly is give away that no body is around

Having local government decide what laws they want and what product to buy is the perfect extension of Gadsden philosophy.

Please explain how letting states decide reproductive laws or government not buying certain books is over reaching

Ryan couldn’t decide if he was running as liberal or moderate and came off as typical politician not to be trusted

Do you realize the amount of crimes every president could be charged with ,if they had to follow the law.Obama had people killed