
But there may be bias, I'm honestly not a huge fan of Indiana Jones.

Lady Blaumeux's voice back in the day...

"Have you seen what the Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the Galaxy went over to the dark side"

-Kira Carsen

Atlas - Wearing the Cape (and Astra for that matter)

Jedi mind trick - Obi-wan just pulls that out of his ass on that stormtrooper

RP wise, Minsc is more likely to chuck a boulder at some than string a bow.

Because Sirius was the secret keeper and Voldemort got the secret. Case closed.

Brimstone Angels was my first thought. Last one was published in 2016

Serpentor in GIJoe/Transformers

In this continuity, Serpentor is an advanced BAT with programming influenced by Megatron. He makes it his mission to conquer Cybertron and claim the Matrix from Optimus Prime. He succeeds. He rips the Matrix from Prime's chest and uses it to gain the ultimate wisdom of the universe... and realizes he's wrong. He starts apologizing and tries to give the Matrix back to Optimus. His goons are all, "Uh, boss... You ok?"

... who? -Majority of the audience

(Also, dude, there's a war going on, why didn't you wear a damn condom?)

Same could be said to James and Lily.

Legends had Rogue Squadron, heroes of the Rebellion and later the New Republic. As Wedge Antilles put it, they were the lightsaber to fight the darkness.

Wedge also created Wraith Squadron. A black ops team that could fly. They were the New Republic's 'vibroblade in the back'.