
Here’s a fuller picture of it. Some years are better than others for sure. This year has been medium, living in Florida without irrigation it all depends on how much rain we get.

Well it’s been 4 years since they said it took 4 years how big is it? Lol


Contain your jealousy boys


Dawg I literally just got an after hour call

Edit: blown bearing with the ball bearings so rusted on the bottom of the cabinet there’s no way this didn’t happen weeks if not months ago, be back next week!


I’m scared, this is my first season gardening and I’ve been dreading these guys arrival

So throughout life no one’s ever experienced death one way or another be it family, friends, or pets? Just their own death at the very last second for everyone?

It’s important to accept limitations when you don’t feel comfortable with things. It’s ok to ask for help when needed.


What size pipe can those clamps go up to? I’ve been going between those and the testos they just don’t seem like they open all that wide

Not sure if this is allowed in r/HVAC but it would be a better ask there


Don’t dip your pen in company ink my friend

“I know what your thinking Mr stotch, but sometimes, the dead’s best left dead”

This isn’t the post for sarcasm they could’ve actually gotten hurt


Did you tie it down to the stand? I don’t see any tie down straps on it


I’ve had the pleasure of knowing two “floridaman”. It’s almost like a badge of honor one was arrested for breaking into a car to steal toilet paper during the shortage in 2020 and the other for assault via tissue paper!

Floridas not really a bad spot honestly, the heat sucks but you get used to it (don’t have to shovel heat like snow). What I will say is most people who move here from out of state have told me before collectively Floridians are a bunch of assholes when in a group but one on one can be some of the nicest people you’ll meet.

If your serious about coming down in a decade or so maybe look into wages and cost of living though last I heard were the most expensive state (when compared to wages) in the country, and not many unions.


Yea we get frost once or twice a year but nothing that will freeze water to this extent, just a small amount of frost from the morning dew on grass really. We panic when it gets below 60° lol.

I live in the Tampa area, never been to the keys but would love to go eventually. But yea man we’re always hiring come on down!!


Living in Florida that never would’ve even crossed my mind as a possibility!

I’m going to need you take dial it back about 20% there buddy

I didn’t know they gravitated to milkweed to I was wondering why I started seeing them around!