My analysis is that your analysis didn't see the double top

Wah, wah wah, republican this, and Democrat that. How about we teach kids life skills?

This type of political drama does nothing to educate and lift up those around you. It's like watching honey boo boo and thinking it's real.


You're 18. Move on, bro. No need to waste time chasing someone who clearly doesn't care about you.

If they can just print money, why do any of us have to pay taxes?

You have the entirety of the planets information at your finger tips and you expect me to explain to you what semantics are and how they work?

Don't rely on me, or anyone else for that matter to tell you what to think. Look it up, research it, and come to your own conclusions.

That's what is so great about thinking for yourself.

Don't get what? Tell me what you don't get and I'll honestly try to explain it.

Watch out everyone! It's doomsday over here!

Lol. Land being stolen from established people goes back as far as human history. That's how the world works.

Are you trying to somehow enlighten a change in human nature that has a 200,000 year plus history?

Good Luck

Elon needs to put this on the road to the spaceX factory

You forgot to include slave owners...and clowns. Clowns are bad too, right?


Nope. Best feeling about the 4th since I was in middle school.

If it felt off for you, maybe you need to re-evaluate what our Independence from England actually means to you