You tell her she didn’t do anything wrong and sometimes there is no good option. Someone snatches your toy. You can fight, you can cry, or you can let it go. Letting it go encourages resilience and independence. Now, in a conversation about whether they could snatch the toy, you want her to stand up for herself. But in the sense that she learns to advocate for herself and handle situations. There’s always someone bigger, stronger, meaner.

You don’t, you teach them to be confident in themselves and to understand the value of de-escalating and not letting the actions of others dictate their emotional state too much. Confidence is a lot to do with letting things go.

IT Systems & Infrastructure Manager

Do MS-900 and cover both then go deeper on both. But if you were only going to do one, do Entra ID first I suppose


The top answer every time this question is asked is “National parks”

The best example of this for me was Ghost of Tsushima where after about 40 hours I realised there was a second open world area

IT Systems & Infrastructure Manager

Wages are all over the place. I did what you’re doing for a Fortune 500 company in a major city for £26k a few years ago, very underpaid. Now I’m working in government for double that after a move and subsequent promotion to manager. What you’re doing and how important to are to the business is rarely reflected in your salary unfortunately. The support elements of your job might be suppressing your wages as might be the length of time you’ve been there. It’s also possible you don’t know what you don’t know, so these large scale projects and back end maintenance bits are less complex or advanced than you think. Or the opposite of everything I’ve said could be true.

IT Systems & Infrastructure Manager

My old boss used to do this constantly. I didn’t really mind once I came to expect it. He didn’t proof read anything so I was usually able to get my name into it as the creator somewhere

Paradise killer is pretty good

My 2.5 year old sleeps for 2 - 2.5 hours per day (usually 2-4pm) and then sleeps 8pm-7am. We aim to get him in bed earlier but it never happens. According to my Nanit he sleeps through the night 99.9% of the time.

IT Systems & Infrastructure Manager

As an interviewer I generally hate these questions. I would ask you to (for example) explain how public domain registration works and see how deep your knowledge goes. “Pop quiz hot shot” style questions never gain you decent candidates.

Everyman is my favourite but the screens vary in size wildly. Screen 1 is a good time.

They’ll have to make the most of this vote as it’ll be the last time they get to do it

Most people liked it man. Just the usual chuds workshopping their “arguments” in dark corners of the internet, arguments which fall apart the second you ask them to elaborate on what they’re saying. Because all they can do is repeat a few lines from “angrychudincelgamer666” on YouTube

“Revenge is bad” isn’t the message at all, constantly shouting it from the rooftops only serves to show you didn’t grasp the themes of the story and structure really at all.

IT Systems & Infrastructure Manager

I recently had a team buy a load of Android tablets. We don’t support Android tablets, we’ve just spent a year migrating away from Android to iOS/Jamf. Luckily our guidance states any equipment purchased outside of IT isn’t supported. They had to buy a load of iPads.

IT Systems & Infrastructure Manager

Why would they support them if they didn’t provide them? I wouldn’t support 64GB windows laptops either.

IT Systems & Infrastructure Manager

Yes to ALL this.

Imagine how deliciously janky a Fromsoft pirate ship would be haha. Great idea, a super dark pirates of the Caribbean!

Turn based games, or pseudo turn based games, are a numbers game. You can’t generally avoid getting hit in turn, so you need to level up. Sometimes you need to grind ahead of the power curve, or grind to mitigate your skill level or misunderstanding of the encounter. Of course FF is trending away from that, notably FF15 has a dodge button enabling you to wander right over to high level monsters and chip them down almost from the start of the game if you’re good/bored enough. But because you auto level, you can’t really try a lvl1 run like a souls game. I thought the recent ones did a good job of making some encounters require a custom party build to solve, almost like a puzzle.

I’m chuckling at the idea of someone loading into a bonfire over and over, killing all the enemies on repeat and spending their hard won XP on a level of strength or dex for a +1% damage boost in the hope it’ll help them beat Malenia. There are so many optional ways to boost and augment your character, not to mention simply practicing an encounter, XP is far from the most important thing. There are a few exceptions, such as the high amount of stamina needed to chase the end boss around, but they’ve just patched your horse into the encounter.