I wonder why they don’t post clips like these in the conservative sub.. must be hard seeing how much of a hypocrite and plain fucking stupid they can be. “Fuck people pushing their ideas on us! We don’t care to see them” says the guy wearing a Jesus first, yelling Jesus is king, driving his truck with a huge Trump flag waving in the back lol

When I was younger, I wanted to fuck all the time.

Now that I’m older, I be wanting to fuck all the time.

I think the only difference is the type of women I’d want to rub bare feet with. much more selective now. I can’t entertain crazy ass drama filled toxic womensies. Only me precious.

Also, I’m married. Although sometimes we do play with a third, we are very picky as these scenarios can become complicated and troublesome with the wrong third. The women we play with are carefully selected lol but this is a whole different dynamic.

Still. Sex is sex, and I’s be wanting to sex lol

Two things come to mind and the “defense of democracy” is not one of them.

First, it’s the military strategy point. Having Taiwan as an ally means the US has a location right next to China. In the event of a military conflict with China, the US has a strategic and effective location to deploy troops. We can further arm the Taiwanese and strengthen their military to assist in any attack or counter attack. It gives us a door to China which we wouldn’t have without troops there.

Second, the semi conductors. TSMC produces around or over 80% of the worlds semiconductors. US sanctioned them to be unable to work with China, in return for military and economic assistance. The US depends on TSMC. If China was to regain control over Taiwan they would undoubtedly forbid TSMC from working with the US, just like the US did them. We’d be fucked. We’d have to find an alternate manufacturer or build our own, which costs a lot of money, and would increase the costs of products. This is exactly you what China did and the world was actually impressed with Chinas ability to build up their own semiconductor manufacturing.

I believe these two things are what contribute to US support of Taiwan, disguised as a support for democracy

Although the US has helped Hong Kong, they are not as vocal and adamant about taking a hard stance against China, as they do with Taiwan. At least, this is my interpretation of things.

I can also be 100% wrong about this. If I am, please tell me. I’m open to being wrong and expanding my perspective on this issue. I don’t study politics or geopolitics. Just shit I read and pick up on.

That doesn’t make it better lol

I can’t imagine ever shit talking my spouse to a friend. That’s crazy shit.

We’ve been through times where we were crazy fit. Times where we gained weight. Times we looked amazing and times we just didn’t care and looked bummy. Not once did I ever even consider to look at my friend and say “man… she’s gotten fat” or “she looks ugly without her makeup” I don’t even think that shit in my head lol saying it to someone else is fucking lunacy lol I don’t even understand your post man. I can’t relate

It’s not even a “think”

He wasnt making fun of her.

He’s a rapper. Rappers use shit that happens in the world to structure their bars. There’s been other rappers who have used Megan getting shot as a reference for a bar. Why isn’t that person mentioning them?

Shits dumb. It’s a dumb take and a stretch.

lol idk what you mean by your question.

The psychology is that of sex.

Is there something specific you’re looking to ask?

I’ve been the third for other couples. Sometimes the guy was part of the night, no guy on guy stuff. I’m hetero. Sometimes they weren’t there at all. Sometimes the guys got off on having videos and pictures sent to them.

It’s not an ego boost like “yeah I’m fucking this guys wife” lol that’s silly. Guys that have that mentality usually aren’t fit for that kind of thing. Also, I’m pretty stable. Have a good job, go to school, I’m a kind person, don’t do drugs or drink a lot. I hit the gym. I’m not sure what your question is really trying to get at lol

It’s not even about the gift. She’s just happy he came

“Not making everything seem gay” does not make it an adult pod lol I like the pod with the jokes and everything. That was not even the point of what I said.

Bad daddy, yous a bad daddy

Monkey in Space

lol yeah I don’t think this was hate at all. I think they were referring your other comments, whatever they are.

I thought this shit was funny lol I noticed him doing this fucking noise and realized exactly like you, he does it when he just doesn’t care lmao

This is exactly what’s happening. Even then, married couples can go on dates when you bring in a third BOWCHICKAWOWA!! lol

Ehh to an extent.

You also have to be reasonable and considerate. If you live in an apartment building, just don’t have your party there late at night. You don’t know who has work in the morning. Hearing music or loud laughing throughout the night or feet stomping around is annoying af when you’re trying to sleep.

If it’s a house in a neighborhood, then just don’t blast your music loud af.

I’m always on the considerate side. I do my best to not disturb people. When I lived in apartments i never had people over at night. I don’t know what anyone else has going on and I know when I need to wake up early the last thing I want is someone disturbing my sleep.

If they like it, they like it 🤷‍♂️

Edit: I’m happy to see the shift in this sub. At one point it was shit fest where everyone got together to shit on people’s trucks because they didn’t look like the copy-paste Tacoma we always saw.. you know the one… same tires/rims, same lift, same lights, same everything lol I don’t know the name of the mods but I’m sure one of you can tell me lol anyway, this is dope, letting people enjoy their truck and not making them feel like shit because of their preference has made this sub more enjoyable

You fuckers shamed me on my truck when I posted it.. I be salty 😂

this MFs crazy bro lol he thinks he’s a good man because he still wants her to be dependent on him even after they split. Gotta keep a hold on them bitches, am I right? Lmao smh

I considered myself a good husband. And as such, I actually worked my ass off, overtime, to help pay all the bills and my wife’s way through college. She now has a degree and we make twice as much. The logic, if I’m ever not in the picture, because I die or we divorce, I never wanted her to be stuck with a fuck like the guy above.

Being a good husband isn’t about ensuring and extending dependency. It’s about building your partner (just as they help build you) so they have their own future and security, separate from yours regardless if they are with you or not. Neither one of us see each other as dependent on one another. We are a team. We’d be good alone, but we’re better together.

Also, not that she NEEDED me to get her degree. I just helped make it easier for her. And now, she’s returning the favor. I’m taking classes now 🙌🏽 the goal is to get to a point where I can go back to school full time.

It’s a win-win for the relationship

I’m looking at the list and all I’m thinking is anything between $20-23 isn’t even “good” money anymore. Of course, that’s all relative to multiple factors, like lifestyle and the area you live in, amongst other things. I make 22, and that wouldn’t be enough to sustain me and my family as a solo earner. That shit would barely cover the mortgage and light bill. Thankfully my wife makes $33. So together we live a nice comfortable life. But alone, I’d be fucked.

My friend makes 25 and she has to work hours at target apart from her regular job to be able to live on her own.

My interpretation of good money is enough money to pay your bills, be able to put some in savings for emergencies and afford you some play money to go out and eat our go watch a movie. To be able to save for a vacation. I know vacationing and enjoying fun excursions even in your own hometown is considered a luxury nowadays. But I don’t think it should be. Surviving shouldn’t be the norm we make it out to be. And it’s a sad reality we’re fucked into settling for.

To a lot you MFs it’s not even a game. Y’all really be out here saying pause and you mean it with your soul. Quit front’n

Bruh. How old are yall? Man was obviously talking about the vegetable. CLEARLY. Specially considering the conversation revolving around vegan food. Yall try to make everything gay. Grow out for that shit bro. At some point you just gotta be an adult and realize saying pause after everything isn’t necessary. Shits weird.

I think better way to phrase what he said is, porn won’t be eliminated. Which is the actual concern.

They can ban whatever the fuck they want. It’s still going to be around.

I can have about 50 banned items in my possession by tomorrow night.

Also, you said “online” and the online world exists outside of united states. Literally all it takes is a VPN.

I was in Indonesia for a bit, where Reddit is banned. I was on Reddit everyday.

You’re really showing your true feelings on this and how you feel about people in the LGBTQ community. The post started with the use of the word “normal” and now you’re talking about what people are supposed to be genetically designed for.

So your problem is not with the use of the word “normal” and how it translates in a conversation about heterosexual and homosexual people. You just want to talk about homosexual people and how you feel about them lol chill bro. You’re trying so hard to place homosexuals in the “odd and strange” category that it’s obvious you disagree with who they are as people. So you saying you’re not homophobic really loses all its merit bro

And for the record, no one is refuting that if everyone was homosexual there would still be humans as a species. That’s obvious. That has nothing to do with what we were initially speaking about or my response.

And if I wanted to further expand this conversation I could just end it by saying any organism and its characteristics and behavior produced in the natural world through a natural process is by its very definition “normal” since nature itself produce it and anything produced in nature is normal.

That last part of your post is unnecessary. People making babies isn’t what constitutes sexual orientation as “normal”

As people have already mentioned, in technical terms, yes it’s normal, because heterosexual people outnumber those who aren’t, so normal in that sense is just a reference to the numbers aspect of it.

However, normal has another connotation we assign to the word. Akin to strange or odd.

So calling a heterosexual normal, without describing how you are using the word, which most people don’t do, they simply say “normal”, can imply people who are not heterosexual are strange or odd.

Now add the decades of oppressive and prejudice attitude towards people in the LGBTQ community, implying they are strange or odd perpetuates those sentiments.

Not being part of that community it may seem easy to just use the word normal and it may even be harmless. But it’s really not that hard to just be considerate of other people and how THEY interpret things.

I find it similar to how some people refuse to use specific pronouns when addressing people who prefer them. Like bro, it literally hurts you none to address someone how they want to be addressed. I personally find that shit petty when people are adamant about not doing it. I’ll address people how they want, it literally has no affect on my life and if they makes them feel respected, it’s a win-win in my book. Shit is so easy to just get along with people man

People all have different circumstances bro. This question can only be answered by asking this people themselves.

Some could be paying bills at the house they are at. Some can be paying medical bills. Some can be paying back debt. Some can be saving up for a house. Some can be irresponsible and spend all their money on going out. Some can be paying for school. Some can have crazy car payments. I mean, the answers here are endless

You nailed it even better. It’s not even about caring what some people think. It’s about choosing the things you care for them to think about. For instance, I care that my family and friends think of me as someone who is reliable and trustworthy. I don’t give two shits if my family and friends think I’m a lazy introverted shit lol I pay my bills and sometimes I don’t want to see ya’ll or go out and run around the city with you. But you know if you NEED me for something, I’m there.

FUCK!!!!! I never even thought of that. Getting rich right away ☝🏽


She could have took her nap inside of the vehicle. Some people are inconsiderate af man