I hear they're even in my area!!

Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss but who knows if we'll be waiting another decade for the third and final installment.

Both. I'm on episode six and the info is great and very digestible but Justin is more hands on and will probably get you more comfortable with the guitar faster. Scotty's stuff will explain music to you as it relates to the guitar. I hope I'm explaining that well...

He's even got a left handed version with all the diagrams mirrored! Nobody else cares about lefties as much as Scotty West! My hero!!!

Nuthin tears my fingers up more than two hours of arguing with Rocksmith whether I hit that note or not.

Chicks love when you hide who you really are, you should play right handed and get those muscle implants also!!

I know the justinguitar app isn't free but the song play along made the purchase worth it. Might not be the most diligent practice routine but it's a good way to have a lot of fun in between the more serious practice.

Did this as a teenager at my grandparents house when I yawned and stretched after waking up, talk about a wake up call... Haven't made that mistake again since.

I've heard a heroic dose of psylocibin could knock that down. It's commonly used for patients going through terminal diseases. But also, it may be good to contemplate your own mortality daily. Maybe just not all day. idk. Or therapy if you're feeling flush.

Not in my experience. Usually the victim ends up wrestling with the shitbull while the owner dances around calling the stupid dogs name because they are too afraid to try to step in. Or they're just cheering on their murder machine...

I feel like safety glasses should be worn around this activity.

Would you look at that, chi-hua-hua's not even on the list.

I feel like going out and doing it right now.

Knew it would be on top. Hateful delicious ball of berries.

All that for an 05 accord? F that! I'd be surprised if the car was worth $2k. Definitely not showing my mother in law this video; I hate working on that P.O.S.

44 here and almost 4 months in. LOVING IT!!!! also suck but that's ok, a little less every day!

Your story is so similar to mine. Off and on for two decades of staying crappy. I was so discouraged I learned to play the drums. Three months ago I bought a lefty and have been in the garage every night for at least two hours playing. Chord shapes came pretty quickly doing one minute changes. Practicing scales up and down over and over. I still suck but I'm noticing progress in speed and accuracy every day. Wish I did it earlier, oh well. Having a blast now. Glad to hear you've made the switch too.

They're all great in their own way.

Right! Then, "I believe I can fly... touch the sky..." that one?