It’s exactly why any house we were shown with a pool we automatically said nope. We were factoring in removal into the house cost. Our realtor thought we were insane, but pools are expensive. I refused to buy a house with a huge expense if I couldn’t afford it.

But am I looking at it wrong? It doesn’t look like it was opened or used.


I’m guessing it’s page 616 of the pdf, not the page number of the book. I would go off the actual page number on the book page itself.


Are people downloading it in case someone tries to go back and change the original at some point?

I disagree. Having to be a widow and single mother isn’t the same as losing a sibling. I also wouldn’t expect my siblings spouses to be worrying about me when they are faced with ending life support. I wouldn’t expect my siblings spouses to have the capacity to prioritize me in this scenario.

It sounds cold, but saying goodbye in the hospital would be no different than at the funeral. A doctor of all people should understand that. Especially when his death was completely preventable.

Amelia had a right to be hurt and upset. She didn’t have the right to share that with Meredith. There was nothing to gain with that, and it didn’t help anyone grieve his death.

You know, I don’t have a problem with Amelia feeing hurt or grieving about not being there. I do have a problem with her ever uttering that to Meredith. Tell it to your friend, sibling, mother, lover, or therapist. Not to his wife and mother of his kids. Meredith has more to grieve, and you don’t add to that burden, no matter if your feelings are justified or not. It can’t be undone, so dumping your feelings on your SIL in this case is just selfish.

And honestly why wouldn’t you want to know contrary beliefs or ideology? I personally think knowing all perspectives allows for a deeper understanding of one’s own beliefs. If an opposing belief or ideology shakes me that much, my position wasn’t strong to begin with. Most of the time the opposing beliefs or ideologies just further strengthen my position even more.

Your kids should be interacting with other kids, homeschooling or not. Whether it’s at the park, library, or children’s museum you won’t be able to control every interaction your child has. Instead you should be modeling appropriate behavior and morals important to your family while discussing why other families may choose a different path. Surprisingly Bluey has a great episode about this (Dunny).

If you try to insulate and isolate your children too much, they won’t have the skills to navigate social situations that are different from your curated ones. Our jobs as parents is to prepare them to be independent members of society, and limiting their interactions as much as you plan won’t do that in the long run.

There are many masters programs that are easy because they are made with teachers working full time in mind. Not all masters programs are equally rigorous.

I wouldn’t describe mine having been exceedingly difficult. There were one or two courses that were more intense, but nothing too bad.

I would see what local schools contracts include. Some locations school districts will pay for continuing education. I got my masters paid by my school. It took longer (could only take 2-3 courses a year) but it was worth it.

Counterpoint: depending on where the Op lives the school they work at may pay for the masters. Where I live it’s very common for schools to pay for 2-4 continuing ed courses a year. My masters was fully payed for (minus the random fees and application).


Well, I think people need to see if they have financially supported him in any way and if he has worked or met with any members. Also cross referencing his platform and highlights by which of these are directly from his mouth would help. Or any ties to the Republican Party itself.


Yes, but it a way that’s approachable and they can’t disprove.

I lived in those underwear for the first two weeks. Bending was rough, and I still bled. I ended up buying a second package I liked them so much. Didn’t need wipes though.


Nah, I see them on FB all time time. When I’m watching reels their ads come up frequently.

Asshole Aficionado [10]

Also brother rented the house. The OP was a guest, and had no right to refuse. If brother wanted to push it he could have called the cops and had the OP removed.

We did that last night. We had thunderstorms come in right before all the local fireworks were planned to go off. Wasn’t bringing my kid out in that hours past her bedtime. So we threw on some fireworks from YouTube and told her we would go to a baseball game with them later in the summer.


Can you add the page numbers by each claim? I think that’s important for people who say it’s an exaggeration

Well, the cop said in the video he put his lights on and the car took off in the intersection. Not sure how long it took for the car to get pulled over.

They almost need sensors like traffic lights that switch over to green when emergency vehicles need to get through the intersection.

I mean, why stay in contact with the OP? They ended the relationship, and aren’t close to the OP.

Blocking doesn’t mean there is anger there. The ex fiancé just didn’t want to continue talking to the OP

Wanted season 1 and 2 and finished a day or two before season 3 released.

I disagree. If my boss gave me Tylenol, I would have either told them I was leaving then or when I felt bad enough to sleep.

She was able to leave at any point. The reality is if anything had happened to the kids when she was sleeping she would have been responsible. Shitty director or not, she is responsible for the kids and she made the decision to go back to the room. She could have told them no, and that she was too ill to work.

She’s lucky no kid one was harmed and nothing bad happened.

Yes! Now, maybe I’m reading this wrong, but if she was alone and responsible for the kids solo and fell asleep she should be fired.

I had a scheduled c-section. I was “awake” but they drugged me up good. I didn’t feel anything, and it was quick? Or it didn’t feel like a long time. I was kind of out of it. Like, once the drugs were in, it went fast and I was mellow.

Recovery wasn’t too bad. I think the worst was my back, but they had a real hard time getting the spinal in place which is why I think it was so sore afterwords. My recommendation is walking asap, but don’t push yourself. Small slow walks, and rest often. Oh, and advocate for pain meds. They kept asking me to rate my pain but I was so tired and overwhelmed I couldn’t. Also, prune juice because the pain meds bind you up.

She was the only adult responsible for multiple children who are at an age where many can’t walk or talk. Yes, she is responsible for being awake. Not trying to be mean, but in what world wouldn’t she need to be? Parents are paying for supervision at all times.