I've been running them bleed with good dex and arc, the damage is kinda insane

Holy crap it was a bug people were abusing. No one nerfed anything lol

That's a good thought. Very possibly he was a public figure posed as just her general. Not sure if there's anything anywhere that states people knew he was hers

Yeah I didn't know either but it honestly makes sense, I wouldn't expect something to be that ahead of literally everything else in terms of damage output. I for one am glad to learn it wasn't intended. That level of cheese doesn't sit right with me lol

I think that's what most people are taking away summed up pretty well, with a caveat. I don't think radagon and marika "parted up". There's nothing to suggest that's even possible. The timeline is certainly confusing though.

For instance, he must have been born before Renalla's children like you mentioned, and I think maybe we assume before Godfrey's as well? And I don't think it was public knowledge he was Radagon's, because no one even knew who Radagon was until the war with Liurnia. But at the same time when Rellana went after him, her sister Renalla gave her a parting gift which suggests she was giving her blessing over the pair. Which she would never have done after Radagon left her.

So like, people knew who Messmer was. He was a public part of Marikas line at some point before being veiled in the realm of shadow to be lost to history. But I find it hard to believe anyone knew Radagon and Marika had children together before she was with Godfrey. Very many questions about the whens of everything.

They didn't nerf perfumes they fixed a bug

"Wheels!" Is a classic

I like "arms, o arms, you don't have the right" in front of millicent

It shows full penetration then Miquella crying. Then penetration, crying, penetration, crying, then the game just kind of ends

Its hard not to say Miquella, but its unclear how much he was loved beyond his ability to charm people. I think Radahn would have a strong campaign. By all accounts he is the most powerful demigod, and has a good heart and strong golden order values to back it up

You have a fairly reasonable baseline here, as most of us expected more about Miquella and Godwyn's relationship, but you lose me along the way. There was nothing to ever suggest he wanted Godwyn as his Lord, just that he cared for his brother, just as its shown he cared for his sister, and didn't want to see him doomed to live in death. Him being a fundamentalist seemingly opposed to the very idea of those who live in death, this makes sense. Its unclear what the purpose of the eclipse was, but we do know that it failed. The "sun was not swallowed" and his soul did not return to his body.

The lack of more info from the dlc just means the developers felt Godwyn's story already had a satisfactory ending, which we should now try to wrap our heads around. I mean, he does have an entire ending of the game around his story. What we can infer now is that either Miquella realized there was nothing he could do for Godwyn, or by some measure he was satisfied with his state. I feel like this does make some sense, as Godwyn has been given a kind of erdtree burial. Perhaps that was the best they could do for him.

I just feel like "he clearly cared for Godwyn therefore he wanted him as consort" isn't a very good take. May as ell claim Malenia should've been his consort at that point, as he did a lot for her including questioning/abandoning the golden order when it couldn't help her with the rot. What we're told is that for a very long time he has looked at Radahn as a lord, which it makes sense why anyone would. He is the strongest demigod, loyal to the golden order, and seemingly had a good heart.

Now, I'm with you in that I wish there was anything in the base game that would've hinted at this. I can join you in questioning that decision to leave us so in the dark about that. The only crumb of evidence is that is was fairly clear that Malenia didn't try to kill Radahn to gain his great rune and claim the throne for herself, since she spared Godrick in their conflict and has always been the "blade of Miquella". But that didn't lead anyone (as far as I'm aware) to assume that Miquella needed Radahn to die so he could put his soul in another vessel to serve as lord in his godhood. That's a really tough jump and I don't think anyone was onto that as, I believe, there simply was not enough information. Which i think we'd agree is a shame.

I heard a theory that Jerren had something to do with this. It supposed that the star's trajectory would change slightly over time, and when it would not hit Sellia if released is when he would hold the festival, so as not to destroy his comrade's second home whenever he was granted honorable death in battle.

There isn't much to support it, but I thought it was an interesting thought.

This man thought dungeater was already included

I'm doing both of these rn, mostly dex build with some Arcane, bleed backhand blades and fire perfume. Super fun

Yeah I felt that way kinda the whole time in my exploration. It is a shame

I feel like because he divested himself of his rune after losing his grace, it no longer has a place in the elden ring nor any real power. The item description supports this, saying it only has the power now to break charms. It also does not look like his actual rune which we can see at the crosses where he removed parts of himself

From a gentleman like gsp that is peak disrespect

That is usually the case, but not with the perfumes. The fire perfume scales with only dex, the lightning scales with dex and faith

I've been using the fire perfume on my dex build and I am in love, I totally agree with you

As others have said there aren't really any pure Int weapons. I'll add the chilling perfume bottles to the discussion though. They are dex/int but I believe rely more heavily on Int, and deal pure magic damage with frost build up

Bosco Buddy :bosco:

They get angry because OP hasn't deposited that nitra yet which means they cant use it to call a resupply, which is ironic because they themselves left it behind

Bosco Buddy :bosco:

I've been on several morkite missions where we were short like 4-6 morkite and had to spend a good bit of time finding one more vein. Gathering the crust prevents such a situation, which can be fatal on high hazards