I remember being incredibly unhappy around my mother as a kid because she was so emotionally negligent, selfish, and controlling.

I do my best to be a gentle, open minded, consistent and sensitive parent, so I’m not going to worry unless I see my kid feeling shitty. Then of course I’ll double check my parenting—and everything else. That’s all we can do, really. Keep educating ourselves, and keep an eye out for possible issues.

My child has gleefully told people I let her ‘taste a little white powder’ and it was ‘AMAZING’.

It’s true— white powdered sugar, off my donut.

As a person who excitedly hopes my kids will want to inherit my Le Creuset collection… I’m having a ‘Oh no, are we the baddies?’ moment here.

Anyone wanna weigh in (ha, puns) on if Le Creuset is worth a shit?? I love my damn pots, but maybe this is my Boomer aka Beanie Baby heirloom…

105 degrees on a stinky Los Angeles street. I have a cold iced tea, walking back to work, and pass by a homeless guy lying panting on the sidewalk. I offer him my tea, saying, it’s so hot— Do you want the rest? He smashes it out of my hand and all over the sidewalk, screaming that he doesnt want my secondhand trash and jesus will smite me.

Sorry for offering you the only nice thing I had. Hope jesus can hook you up with some hydration so you dont fuckin die this summer.

I didn’t have a comeback then, but reading this post, I wish I’d thought of some of these!

How about this:

‘some people get older and wiser.

Some people just get old.’

If you cringe, that means you’ve gotten wiser. You’re further along than the people who don’t cringe at all.

OP, so you know- this is a bigger red flag than you realize. A heaping dose of aggressive sensitivity (delivered once in a while) is how abusers train their SOs to walk on eggshells. Enough of this treatment, and she might stop opening up, sharing thoughts, or feeling close to you, because she’ll be worried about triggering you with her inconvenient (but normal) feelings, opinions, and desires. And then your relationship is hollow.

You have growing to do before you marry anyone.

I still say ‘Where’s the beef?’ in an old lady voice when I dont approve of the proteins

one orange braincell!

Aww! Dandelions and kids, I swear.

My 3 y/o yesterday: “Mama, daddy-lons are my favorite fwower. My favorite color is well-low now. And this is for you. You’re my best friend.”

Thanks Daddylons, you can stay in our yard forever 😭

Meanwhile I’m over here with my two girls, who won’t eat a strawberry, a peach, a tomato, a worm, or a bug… even a big living grasshopper i’ve stunned and left wiggling on a plate. The list goes on. Won’t dustbath in the shaded kiddie pool of clean dust, dirt, and sand I made, either.

They’re good girls but really bad at chickening. Somebody send them a brain they can share?

Just tossing out some ideas—

It’s possible that it’s been in the pot so long, it’s taken all the nutrients out of the soil. Repot, bigger pot, loosen the root ball really good and plant on a mound (within the pot) and then fill around it to top up (like the way they plant a rose bush) but dont plant too deep- keep that rootball high.

Pull the flowers/fruit, both live and dead. Let it focus on roots right now.

It might need a little fertilizer, high nitrogen maybe. (Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me about ferts can chime in with specifics.)

Put the poor thing behind a shade cloth, it’s too hot. Consider a non-black pot also. Paint trunk for sunburn protection.

Mulch! (With wood chips. Not rocks or sand)

Best case scenario, you lose a bunch of leaves from shock and it looks bad, but spreads out the roots and stays alive until it recovers enough to make new growth.

3 year warranty. I’ve been using LitterRobots since LR2 and every model breaks down on something dumb at 2.5 years of use.

Get a drinking fountain also. Dehydrated cats aren’t as regular, and will get that thing stanky.

If you go out of town, just switch it off. It’ll be the one time you dont that it gets stuck upside down, and you’ll come home to a shit show.

Where did you get the fairlife vanilla? I can only find the chocolate around here

Had a convo with my SO this morning about Boomers seeing the world as ‘dinner and a show’. (Show as in—play/concert/live entertainment/movie theatre) And how other generations can’t even have that easily.

Silent Gen: No show, Maybe dinner and they were grateful, dammit

Boomers: Dinner and a show

Gen X: Dinner they cooked themselves, snuck out for a show

Millennials: Dinner at home, reruns on TV, stress induced insomnia

Gen Z: Dinner with friends, show streaming on their phone

Gen Alpha: Ate Millennial’s dinner, went to bed early after lots of screaming about a show

Smart, well-heeled people can have regular friends and enjoy alcohol, too

Besides. He lives here now, gotta make do with what you have

Best Dr. Now quote:

‘You’re the fattest man alive. FOR NOW.’

The rich boyfriend (Pierce Brosnan) in Mrs. Doubtfire.

Because in hindsight, Robin Williams was batshit terrifying.

We had a mild outbreak in our yard- maybe wouldnt have realized it right away, but a family member has a flea allergy.

We poured a perimeter of diatomaceous earth around the house and dumped very fresh (chip drop) eucalyptus mulch thick on top since fleas dont like the oils. Allergic reactions have ceased. Havent seen a single flea in the house or on us.

‘Really? She must want something from you.’

‘That’s a nice thing to say. She didn’t mention you were a good person.’

‘Until you’re her daughter, your experience is totally unrelated to mine.’ (or, if I was pissed… ‘your experience is totally irrelevant’)

Solution! Let your cat sit in the window, and tape a note to the glass.


I remember being like, 10 and entertaining my mom’s guests’ little kids at a party.

The woman said, ‘she’s so good with them.’

And my mom sighed, ‘Yes. She has patience for everyone but me.’ And then immediately did the sad Droopy eyes so the woman would pity her and give her attention.

I’m chuckling a little because I, too, chose the luxury gray vinyl planks on purpose.

I got them to match the color of my beloved cat—she was elderly and dying of cancer when the floors went in, and I realize it seems silly, but I never wanted to forget the exact color of her fur. She was the best cat.

I have zero excuses for my white cabinets and subway tile shower though. I gracefully accept my title as HGTV trash monster.

My parents should have let my room feel like mine.

My parents should have encouraged trying new things instead of acting like failing was unforgivable.

Fatal Instinct.

It’s like the original Scary Movie, only it targets the thrillers/dramas instead of horror (title is a play on words- Fatal Attraction/Basic Instinct) It has Sean Young in her prime as the sexy femme fatal, and a lot of funny one liners.

(chasing the detective into the courthouse) Reporter: ‘What’s it like, sleeping with a murderer?’

Detective (sincerely): ‘Better than a ninja turtle.’