It seems like HW shows now show less of everything excepted mediated conflict. The shows used to devote more time to random scenes of HWs lives that weren’t connected to drama-Gretchen throwing an anniversary party for her parents, Lu skipping Taco Tuesday to go out with Cool Niece etc. I think the mistake is not showing real life stuff enough, whether it’s work, family, puttering around—those ‘real life’ scenes built out ‘relationships’ with them, made us invested. I also think Real Housewife has become the primary occupation of all the housewives and it’s unleashed their egomania while squishing whatever authentic self made them likable/watchable originally.

I’ve always found Abe Lincoln hot. Penny Lover as you walk on by….

No. She’s large, wooden, from a junk shop in NV, a cross between aboriginal, Balinese, and southern folk art. She’s been with me for years—I have never found even a picture of a similar gal!

Does anyone know how much she ended up with from townhouse auction? Does anyone know where she is living now? Ugh—she’s an introvert who likes home and her stuff and has neither now. Can we have a sanctuary farm in Tennessee like they have for retired performing elephants but for our Sonjas who performed so long they lost their ability to take care of themselves in their natural habitats?

I agree. I think she saw how mean she was on film and wanted to be less awful but the producers/fans/bravo prefer the bitch version. I think she is one of the naturally meanest HWs and being a nice Christian isn’t the character viewers want to watch (looking at you weird Charlie Chaplin Lydia)

I don’t think she ever mattered enough to be hated, but her Pick Me vibe comes through very loud and I think it triggers so many of us. “You spot it, you got it” Haha she’s the inner middle schooler we all have inside….

We need to collectively plan and execute an Ocean 11 style heist to retrieve and SHOW THE TAPES.

Super good thread. Thanks OP. I still think about Jeff Lewis’ bathroom minutes roll-over policy from time to time. The shows that have a Thing to Do (yachting, remodeling, dating) seem more fun than the ones that just follow people around, since they have all become too performative.

Our choices are so ridiculous we’d honestly be just as well off if we wrote in HWs for Pres. Who would you pick? Maybe Kandi-she’s level headed, can get shit done.

I have read this comment six times in a row. It gets funnier each time. Thank you for sharing!🏆🍾🎉🥇🏆🍾🎉🥇🏆🍾🎉

That scene with the tribal tattoo Healer made me scream with glee/cringe. 100% bullshit. She reminds me too much of Burners blabbing about the life changing experience of ‘my burn’ at Burning Man. 🤮🤢

Ah thanks. Never heard it referred to as Trust Fund taxes (I was like, he’s hiring rich people and taking their estate tax payments?) Peter is shifty for sure.

I hated his “down” routine around Coach Shah so much. Pretty sure he called him brother.

Slade Smiley and Simon Van Kempen represent the opposite poles of cringe for me.

I’m not sure if you think this is helpful, but I winced reading it. It reads as truly unkind to someone who is neurodivergent and struggling. Not everyone responds well to the CrossFit style advice.

It is so weird to teach how to teach without first teaching how we learn!